@failures art,
Quote:Do you object to the US and Yemen creating a cover prior to the accident, because thats when it was decided. The cables reveal that they choose to continue that cover. The decisions to maintain the cover may have less to do with concealing the loss of life (a public fact already) or who was executing the strike, and more to do with carrying out earlier objectives.
My concern was the initial secret deal between General Petraeus & the Yemeni prime minister & the consequences of that deal.
The Yemeni people & the parliament of that country had no prior knowledge of what had been agreed to,
at that time. The US drone bombings & the resultant 41 civilian deaths were a
direct consequence of that secret deal, which the Yemen prime minister then lied about to the parliamentary inquiry into those deaths (ie Yemen took responsibility rather than the US) with the full knowledge of General Petraeus. It was the Yemen Wikileaks which revealed what had actually occurred.
We can argue endlessly about the
motives for the secret deal & consequent cover-up by the prime minister & General Petraeus. Whether the Yemeni prime minister's motive was to protect "earlier objectives" (agreeing to US military attacks on Al-Qaeda bases in Yemen) or to cover up the reasons for the civilian deaths. Isn't it perfectly feasible he was doing
both at the same time?
I am getting rather tired of saying the same thing, over & over. I think my position is a perfectly valid one. You can agree or not, depending on your perspective. But I am perplexed at the insistence of a number of you to continually try to separate the initial secret agreement & the resultant civilian deaths. Clearly (to me anyway) if there had been no secret deal, the bombings & the civilian deaths would not have occurred.
Whether the prime minister of Yemen's lack of transparency with Yemeni citizens & his own parliament (in agreeing to allow secret attacks on suspected Al-Qaeda camps in Yemen) was motivated by a fear that his more powerful Arab neighbours might object or retaliate
justifies his secrecy is up to you to decide.
If you believe that 41 "accidental" civilian deaths are justified by the more important objective of eliminating Al-Qaeda bases from Yemen, that is also up to you to decide.
If that
is your position, well I have a lot less confidence our governments' military (including my own, not just the US) conduct in these sorts of war maneuvers ... based on the what has been learned as a result of the wars in Vietnam, Iraq & now Afghanistan & Yemen. The
Iraq War Logs inform us (via official US documentation) that the numbers of civilian casualties in that country has been massive.
Far greater than the loss of life in military combat. And what did all those civilian deaths actually
achieve? What did all the civilian deaths in Vietnam achieve? And all the civilian deaths in Afghanistan? Have the thousands of "accidental" civilian deaths actually achieved our governments' "objectives"?
Sorry to go on at such length, but I want to make it absolutely clear where I am coming from. It is not
just about secret deals & cover-ups in Yemen. It is also about
all the other secret deals & cover-ups that our governments have been involved in. I cannot adequately convey to you how strongly I feel about the massive numbers of totally unnecessary civilian casualties as a result of the ongoing wars our governments have involved us in.
I cannot condone what my own government has been responsible for in the wars in the countries I've mentioned. From my perspective, the more transparency, the more we demand real answers & genuine accountability from our governments, the better. And to make myself perfectly clear (I hope) I want these ongoing wars our governments have involved us in to cease. I sincerely believe they have done far more harm (toward the stated goal of making the world safe from terrorism) than good. But this is just my opinion, yours might be different.
(This started out as a response to your post, Art. But it can be read as a response to a number of different posters I'd intended to respond to individually. In any case, this is pretty much all I want to say on this particular point.)