BillRM wrote:
As I think, the whole concept of war crimes is bullshit I do not think that I had stated the US is guilty of thems or a terrorist nation or whatever your silliness of the day is.
Israel once attacked a clearly mark US naval ship in international waters and kill US sailors in so doing.
They did this in the view that it was needed to serve their best interests during wartime and to me it was not a war crime as it the situation had been reverse I would had expected the US or any other nation state to do the same.
The sinking of the French fleet in harbor by the British during WW2 was a similar happening.
The whole concept of war crimes is silly and counter produced and should have been end stop after WW2.
This should send JTT spinning like a top, but the concept of "war crimes" is not just silly, it's obscene.
The concept of War Crimes requires there to be laws or rules of War. Laws of War are intended to enable wars
The concept of "war crimes" is also a means by which the victor gets to take revenge on the foe that he has just defeated.
Even when tin soldier armies were marching toward one another and firing away on a field outside some forest, "innocent" non-combatants were injured or killed as a result of the war.
With the advent of mechanized war the chances of "collateral damage" only increased, and today's "smart" weaponry has reduced those chances only modestly.
In fact, in today's, asymmetrical confrontations one side often incorporates in their war strategy the likelihood that engagement will result in civilian deaths as a political weapon to use against their opponent. The charge of War Crimes has become a potent weapon in the public relations front of ongoing hostilities. The Palestinians have become masters in this Art of War.
If civilian deaths are inevitable in war and civilian deaths are evidence of war crimes, then all wars, inevitably, lead to war crimes, and yet, with the exception of folks like JTT, few contend that this is the case.
Frankly, there seems to be too much evidence that war is with us to stay and even when its full horror and tragedy is made clear, we still resort to it, but sugar coating it with laws and rules can only take a slight edge off of it. The maiming and deaths of thousands of young men and women who do the actual fighting is no less horrid because there weren't associated maiming and deaths of civilians.
Maybe a fully barbaric and bloody Armageddon will cure humans of their craving for war, and maybe not, but keeping them legal and civilized sure as hell will not.
In any case plaintive cries from anguished souls about the horror of war crimes and their perpetrators might be taken more seriously if they weren't always directed at only one nation or alliance of nations and skipped all the attending ideological rants as well.