ehBeth wrote:
Finn dAbuzz wrote:
Are you of the opinion that all dealings between governments should be conducted in the open?
given the changes in technology, information exchange etc over the past 20 to 30 years, I think it would best for governments to behave as if their dealings are being conducted in the open.
Certainly greater transparency in governmental decision making, plans and actions is called for. (I'm still waiting for the increase in transparency promised by President Obama). There will, however, always be sensitive communications (particularly as respects foreign policy and national security) that should not be made public.
Because media outlets can more easily obtain classified information doesn't mean that there isn't a continued need to keep secrets, or that the media outlets should reveal them once discovered.
Frankly, the US government is not going to stop classifying information because of the Wikileak revelations. Nor, for that matter, will any other government. What it is far more likely to do is expand secrecy, strengthen security and increase the penalties for leaking classified information.