So then, you're saying that the judgment that white students are represented in greater proportion in honors classes than their proportion in the general student body is a political judgment? I don't think that's very reasonable.
I don't give a rat's ass what you think of me, O'George. The overheated rhetoric to which i referred were implicit and even explicit statements in this thread to the effect that white students outperform minoritystudents as a matter of course, and one member even suggested the reason was genetic. (That flies in the face, by the way, of the research done by Binet and Simon.) I also refer to the sarcastic comment suggesting that if not everyone can benefit from honors courses, then no one should; which was followed by another sarcastic comment to the effect that since not everyone qualifies to attend college, colleges should be eliminated altogether.
You can hardly see the posts in this thread for all the straw men which have been set up.