Setanta wrote:
I am not surprised to read the sarcastic comments of those who would defend the bastions of the white, Protestant ascendancy.
Honor classes are the
bastions of the white, Protestant ascendancy?
Whatever the reasons may be for disproportionate racial or class representation in honor classes, elimnating the program will not address them.
What is actually gained by moving students previously designated as "honor" grade to "average" grade classes?
If the minority students are in some way being unjustly discriminated against when it comes to being placed in honor programs, and all that actually separates them from their "honor" grade classmates is exposure to Ludacris rather than Beethoven, then there is no reason to believe they will benefit from the mere proximity of students that the evils of standardized testing have designated as special.
Whereas, if "honor" classes truly are beneficial to students that attend them, elimnating them will deprive this benefit to actual children who, unless one believes they have dishonestly plotted to steal their place in the class from a minority student, are at no fault in terms of whatever discrimination may or may not be in effect.
Students who have never been encouraged to read Robinson Crusoe, and Huckleberry Finn, or who have no knowledge of Plato or Picasso may have the same degree of native intelligence as the scions of the
white, Protestant ascendancy, but they have a clear gap in their education that will not be filled by the elimination of honor classes.
Someone's skewed sense of justice may be satisfied, but no good is done for any of the children involved.