Sun 14 Dec, 2003 11:09 pm
It's tough keeping up appearances in hidey-holes but at least Saddam can no longer be accused of not being a "Down to earth type of guy".
Merry Christmas indeed, but will the average Iraqi finally appreciate this event and work towards a better society or will they further slide into disbelief and blame deflection aimed towards western nations, the Jew, or (insert scapegoat here)?
By the way, how do I directly insert an image/picture into my post without using this clumsy URL thing? I've seen it done here on A2K so please pull me up out of my ignorance pit.
James, to insert a picture: right click on the pic and copy the entire Properties description. (You may need to scroll down a little to get the whole thing.) (Ctrl + C to copy)
To paste it here, you can use the IMG box when you go to Post Reply, or you can type [ img] - then paste (Ctrl + V) the Properties - then type [ /img] after it - leaving out the spaces within the brackets.
Let me know if that doesn't make sense...
Queer Eye for the Tyrant Guy...
heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee . . .
Heard on NPR that his little adobe hovel had serveral new t-shirts in it. If he could have just gotten outta Iraq, and made it San Francisco, nobody would have noticed him.
I hope they don't shave him and kill all the critters that are living in that nest.
I posted this elsewhere, but.....
Getting a picture like this -- $100,000,000,000 give or take a few billion.
Making the Bushes happy -- PRICELESS!
If Sadaam had come to the United States, kept his beard, except dyed all of his hair red, would anyone have noticed?