Ain't that Deb somethin' else.
Re: Hi, I'm new here - from New Zealand
Eve wrote: I must say you sound a much more sane bunch.
Must not know us, huh?
Now that they've all scared you -
welcome, Eve!!! We're glad you could join us. I'm in Boston so we probably won't see each other online too often, but please feel free to send me a Private Message if you have any questions, or just post questions in the Forum Help forum and one of our lovely Forum Guides or Moderators will be happy to help you! :-D
hmmmmmmm, fishin' as lovely moderator. now THAT's a pic! :grin: I'd always thought he was fiiiiiiiine, but lovely is a new aspect to consider.
Eve I take it this should be around your Spring time or am I out on that one?
Still good to have you on board as another newbie from Abuzz as I am as well.
New Zealand?
That's near New Hampshire, right?
just west of NH Max, next state over.
I knew it was one of those with the crazy accents...
thanks, mikey.
Hi Eve. Enjoy your romp with A2K
come tuh think uhf it...mayhbe neah nehw behfu Max? nahh. I think yuh right Max.
You'll have a blast here Eve if we don't scare you away. Honest !!!
Mikey!!! he likes it !!!
Just ignore me and have fun.
G'day Eve, and welcome toA2K.
I'm afraid these northern hemisphere people have very poor knowledge of geography. If it ain't in North America, it's nowhere....
It's our job to try and adjust the balance!
Lessee, Sydney, east-coast, New South Wales -- i believe that's about the oldest city on the fatal shore, n'est-ce pas? Settled c. 1780?
So, Eve, as not all of us norn hemisperites are geographically benighted (pay no attention to the possum kitty), are you on the North Island, or the South Island?
Eve !! Welcome !!!
Do u like cricket ? I am trying so hard to find a cricket fan here - but no luck, and since India will be playing NZ soon - we might have plenty to talk abt !!
A geographic benighthood ... Wow!!! Unfortunately, we in the U.S. of A. are allowed nowt but generic titles -- Mr., Mrs., sir, mam, sonny and pinhead, being among the few exceptions -- lessen a course, you're of the ilk what made up the rules, in which case you can get called all manner of things. I amn't.
Gautam, would you be willin' to settle for rounders?
Welcome to A2K. Sit down, get comfortable and lets chew some cud.
Hi eve, Until last month, my visit to your beautiful country was the southernmost country I visited. Went around Cape Horn last month, and the southernmost city of Ushuaia. If I had to consider a re-visit to South America or New Zealand, I'd pick New Zealand without any hesitation!

Welcome to Able2Know. c.i.
Jeez, Gautam
Don't talk to me about cricket. What's with these bloody Poms??? At the rate they're deteriorating, we'll be lucky if the tests last for 2 days! I was trying to organise a day at the 5th Test, in Sydney, but the only day I can go is day 3 - and probably not worth the money.
Much better to support India - I'm sure they'll do a better job - even against the Kiwis.
PS. What's happened to Eve?
I hate cricket.
Damn noise keeps me up all night!
Its a funny old month October. Fot the really keen cricket fan, its when you discover the wife left you in May. Which is as nothing compared to losing the Ashes to a bunch of drongos.
losing the ashes? lord, man, when is the last time the britons had them?