You dont need to post EVER part you know =)
Just post the first and anyone who is interested can easily find the rest on youtube.
eurocelticyankee wrote:
And I thought the Bible was written by god. It's a history of censorship for political power. Definitely written and edited by man.
Yep. Its a collection of smaller books after all, which means that someone chosed the books that would go into it, and someone interpreted it on their own way in a religion as well. Even if one or more of those books originally had the true hand of god behind then, what I dont believe, the original message was corrupted by man long ago.
msolga wrote:
A little bit rude, don't you think, of wb4life not to get back to us?
Particularly after the urgent ASAP! request for the school project.
At least s/he could have said thanks!
Indeed. But then you see something like "urgent!" on an internet forum, you should totally ignore the "urgent" part. Like 99% of the times the poster only said that because he is impatient and has no actual need for a quick answer. =)
Then the title is spent asking for help desesperately with capslock, you can be pretty much sure that the opening post is written on terrible english and totally fails to descripe the situation =)