Sun 24 Oct, 2010 12:48 pm
I just got an ecowater err3502R30 after much negotiaion. I still probably over paid. But it was 2K out the door, with them installing the full loop. And going internal to the wall and running new power. They even pulled a permit!!!
Any who. They set this thing up great.....The monkied with the settings and I asked why this and why that.
My question is. Is there a set of recomended settings for backwash etc that should be set or should I just leave there settings.
The factory settings are the most efficient. The only reason to alter them would be if you had high iron. Anything over 3.0 ppm iron I would add a second backwash. This may use a little more water but it will rinse the resin out before and after the brining cycle.