So would a lot of people who will never get elected.
But are they all saints?
Are you a saint??? Does it not take one to judge one??? Compared to me the entire population of the earth are Saints... I do not rant at the corruption of politics and politicians because I am free of corruption; but because the form of our government is so corrupting, and makes corruption easy, and unavoidable...
If I were elected Dog Catcher, I would find some way to turn it into a free lunch even if I was not hungry...It is not just that it corrupts them, but that they in turn, corrupt us... There is no free lunch, for example, and Americans have had things as well as we have for many years because we have taken our livelihoods out of the mouths of strangers in distant lands under the guise of giving them democracy... We do not have democracy to give... We want to give only so much democracy as we have, that is corruptible so the rich can rule as they always do, through the hired hands of the ruled...
What we want, whether we will own it or not, is exactly what we produce with our own hands... To that which we give our lives we should be able to take our lives from... If we all lived according to what we produced, taking no more than justice allowed, most of us would be living meanly, some very well, and some, not at all, who are now living far beyond what they have ever worked for... Capitalism lives on promises it can never possibly keep, but socialism can never get a hold because it tells the truth, that we cannot have it all and must survive within our means...I think, that if a saint were elected by accident, that some means would be found for that person to have an accident... This society kills all it cannot corrupt...
There was once a story about honest Abe Lincoln throwing a man out of his office for offering a bribe... Didn't I offer enough?? asked the man... No, said Lincoln... It was because you were getting to close to my mark...
Excuse me if I get it wrong from memory; but the point is that most of us know we are not living in Hadleesburg... WE know we are corrupted and corruptible, but we just do not like to find that point where we bargain away our eternal souls for a pittance, and yet it happens every day...I stole something the other day... It was something small stuck under something large, and when I realized I had not paid for it, I did not bring it back and demand they take their money... Instead, I justified it... And that is when I know I am doing wrong; at the moment I justify some act for which there is not justification for which not justification would be needed if the act were just to begin with... They rob me... They take from me at every opportunity... I do a lot of business with them... They have me over a barrel so I mus accept their prices... They looked at me crosseyed once... I could justify all day, but it does not work, so the next time I go and buy one of those items I will have them ring it up twice... Never justify... If you need to justify; just don't do...