Poetry of Love

Reply Sat 15 Oct, 2011 05:37 am
Your WORD , I have hidden in my heart ; that I might not sin against you...
Psalm 119:11
Reply Sun 16 Oct, 2011 09:57 am
Set me as a seal upon thy heart, as a seal upon thine arm; for love is strong as death, jealousy is cruel as the grave; the flashes thereof are flashes of fire, a very flame of the LORD.

From: Song of Songs
Reply Mon 17 Oct, 2011 07:03 am
Love is a word too short to be strong
Love is for forget her from the soul made of leather
With love we make finite and deny the infinite
we calculate the incalculable
and cast dirt on the spiritual to make it visable

Love is escape and the bite of the snake
for those without courage to wager their souls
who would live as animals without hearth or home
finding victory in self control and tyranny in anarchy

Love is to define the inconceivable of mind
a search for common features in a riot of strangers
a familiar name to unknown dangers
a euphemism for the blind with terror

With love the fates and fairies sing
With fact the reasoned mind will ring
the self the lover willing brings
to sacrifice to have the thing
for who has what when love has gone
what life means life when love is wrong
what risk is worthy of the strong
or strong enough to be worth song

Life is short for the love born strong
Life for the unloved is lived too long
with love are humans made heroes
as every wise one knows
we do not make love but are by love made
and we do not define love so much as by love defined
for love is not the subject so long as it is the sign
of a fortress open ended only wanting our designs..
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Oct, 2011 12:18 pm
What is love without passion?
Reply Mon 17 Oct, 2011 03:17 pm
Miller wrote:

What is love without passion?
A sane relationship with caring as its primary form and focus... But I wouldn't know about that... I am a falling man gathering falling things unconscious of my falling...
0 Replies
Reply Fri 21 Oct, 2011 04:19 pm
Passion is poison and lust is disease
What won't I suffer to do as I please
Love is a drug without any cure
Desire is promise when nothing is sure
hope opens veins
and charity, her breasts
life puts every soul to the test

And I don't mind
should I check the time
when my clock has stopped
and my world is rocked
and I could care not if I die

Hold me just hold me as if you will break me
Hold me and take me inside
You are the one I will give my life for
You are the one I can love and adore
and if you can hurt me then hurt me and hurt me
But don't think to put me aside

I have made my bond that while I live on
I will burn with a fire of desire for you
your cunning will hold me
your curves will transfix me
your laughter will take me along for the ride
You are my pleasure
my favorite feature
so I am your creature
alive in your pride
Reply Fri 21 Oct, 2011 04:38 pm
I want to love you til I die
Til we both break down and cry
I want to love you,
til the fear in me subsides.

That's an old country western song. Why do you have such fear? If you got rid of the fear your lady would appreciate you not making her responsible for it. Your fear has nothing to do with this lady you claim to love so much. What are you afraid of?
Reply Fri 21 Oct, 2011 05:27 pm
With love I know no fear... Without love I share the same fear as all of humanity, for death, and loneliness... But love, when love is love is also the thrill and excitement of life, the moment we can live in without memories or dreams, without fear or anticipation, the golden moment, the lovely now... It is dynamic... It is alive... It is the very thing we were born for that makes death seem not so cruel, nor pain so wicked...

If I understand my ancient philosophers, they believed love was the cause of all existence... I believe it is the only reason worth a word, the only subject fit for poetry, and all art, really... And there is no love not adoration... If your lover is not your god or goddess, I pity you... If he or she is not your life and universe you have my sympathy... For love I slave, finding no kinder master... But I would hope my mistress finds me most worthy too... She is my honor.. And I am devoted to her... And if you will try to understand... I throw my words out into space, may be at some guy named Miller, and Miller may as well be my mother as anyone other, but I cannot talk to women about my love... I feel like I am betraying a confidence with my compliments, and you remind me of it and make me coy... She is fine...I hope to keep her... Thanks.
Reply Fri 21 Oct, 2011 07:17 pm
And, after you having said all that, I would agree. But, I think it is the holding of love in our heart for ourself and everyone that allows us real freedom. Free to just be. The opposite of love is fear.
Reply Sat 22 Oct, 2011 05:49 am
Pemerson wrote:

And, after you having said all that, I would agree. But, I think it is the holding of love in our heart for ourself and everyone that allows us real freedom. Free to just be. The opposite of love is fear.
And fear is hate, Ma'am; and I don't think you can say correctly that hate is the opposite of love... Love is caring, and when you no longer love, you no longer care, and we are living in a demoralized careless time when love is an act of revolution or insurrection... Nothing could be more subversive than love and no love without morality will succeed, or change anything for the better... We need to be able to love, and to love one another because those who are running this place hate us and hold us in contempt... The very last thing they want in this world is love and understanding, so that is what we should all give to them, and with mercy, ride them out of town...
Reply Tue 25 Oct, 2011 07:38 pm
Ah, we are speaking of different things. Least of all, I didn't realize this thread was Poetry of Love. You are expressing love for your lady, and that's beautiful. Probably everyone goes thru overwhelming feelings of love and caring for another. And, yeah, fear of losing it can be, at least, uncomfortable. Actually losing it can be excrutiatingly painful, but the fear of losing love seems a rather odd trip to take. Why not find a way to get rid of the fear.

Reply Wed 26 Oct, 2011 09:52 am
Pemerson wrote:

Ah, we are speaking of different things. Least of all, I didn't realize this thread was Poetry of Love. You are expressing love for your lady, and that's beautiful. Probably everyone goes thru overwhelming feelings of love and caring for another. And, yeah, fear of losing it can be, at least, uncomfortable. Actually losing it can be excrutiatingly painful, but the fear of losing love seems a rather odd trip to take. Why not find a way to get rid of the fear.

There is a story I read once of Richard the Lion Hearted coming across the grave of a man whose epiteth was that he knew no fear... Richard commented that he must never have put out a candle with his fingers... The point is, that fear is the anticipation of pain, and nothing more... We know it will hurt, and we feel fear, and though fear can be denied, or even delayed it must ever accompany the contemplation of pain... The only way out of the fear of death is death... The only way out of the fear of lonliness is love...

Consider that lonliness is the great curse of our age, the age of the individual... As children we are too early put off, denied the comfort of the breast, dropped in the lap of strangers who do no know us, and cannot bond with us... We associate with many and relate to few, and we are told we are distinct, apart, and individual... What does the word mean???

An individual brick is like every other brick, but cannot be divided... You cannot divide a person either and still have a person, but to be even as individual as a bacteria, we must unite, because we are dioecious, and we must surrender something of our individuality, our valued selves to have even the life of the common germ, which is the prospect of eternal and immortal life... People denied love are denied life... What we take for granted, that life is in each of us is a thought foreign to primitive peoples who can plainly see the relationship of their life to the life of their people, and for the life of their people they would proudly die... They understand that their individual life is of the moment, a vessle carrying the life of their community, and when the community has died, they have died for nothing... So many of our lives are for nothing, for the want of love, for the want of the bond between one person and another... Many cannot afford children, or cannot afford children and luxury, or can afford both luxury and children but will not share the lives they find meaningless with little ones... Those branches of the family of mankind are dying for the want of love...

People need something to share besides absolute misery though misery does produce children, who grow to become monsters... And we all want immortality, and while we consider the great loves of history, the Samsons and Delilas, Antonys and Cleopateras, the Romeos and Juliets, we are not less than they, but more, for while life is quick within us we may yet love...Love is chrystal and has as many facets as angles we can see it from... It is that pearl of great value worth all that a man might give to have it, the having of which makes one happy even while the thought of its loss makes one miserable... I must confess that I have lived too long without love to ever be willingly without it again, and if I act like it is something I can own, I feel no less than others who make themselves slaves of their possessions, and only better because I sense all things good in Virtuous Love...
Reply Wed 26 Oct, 2011 08:40 pm
And, so it is. I remember reading one of Ian Pear's books where his Greek teacher, a woman, said of 'love' to her warrior student. "When we feel love for one another it reminds us of when we were with the divine." (She, as a teacher, did not indulge in this physical stuff, because she was a teacher.

Just think. We don't ever have to lose it. "It" is a million times more than even you have said. What your lady has awakened in you nobody can ever take away. It was always there, you know. She just awakened it in you. Should she be gone, it will still be there.
Reply Thu 27 Oct, 2011 08:06 am
Yes;... I can care, and it is a recovery since it was once lost to me, and when I was quite young, and I lived a long time without it... But the ability to love and to live in my emotions leaves me open to great hurt, and it is something I cannot seem to communicate to those around me that some times even a cross word or a show of disappointment in me is enough to make my whole day crash and burn... I have no protection and I don't want to live with protection, with threats and armor... As far as I know, I only have one life and I want to be able to feel it pain and all, and have the courage to experience all sides of it, which I have for the most part... But whether I can love or not, I know I may some day have to chose between my peace of mind and my love... Love is for the young and strong... It is surfing a sea of troubles thick with sharks... Perhaps high and dry might be the place for me...
Reply Sun 30 Oct, 2011 07:23 pm
Fido wrote:

Yes;... I can care, and it is a recovery since it was once lost to me, and when I was quite young, and I lived a long time without it... But the ability to love and to live in my emotions leaves me open to great hurt, and it is something I cannot seem to communicate to those around me that some times even a cross word or a show of disappointment in me is enough to make my whole day crash and burn... I have no protection and I don't want to live with protection, with threats and armor... As far as I know, I only have one life and I want to be able to feel it pain and all, and have the courage to experience all sides of it, which I have for the most part... But whether I can love or not, I know I may some day have to chose between my peace of mind and my love... Love is for the young and strong... It is surfing a sea of troubles thick with sharks... Perhaps high and dry might be the place for me...

Nonsense, you don't have to give up anything. Why don't you just change your thinking? You don't need any protection (threats & armor?) because there is nothing, absolutely nothing to fear. Wherever did you get such an idea? Why don't you ask yourself that question, on paper, and try to answer it. You might consult a good counselor. Surely you've done that.

The thing that you think about will come upon you. Really! You are like a little boy who thinks boogiemen are real. Bring your sense of humor from the mothballs. Go and play at something. These feelings you have are your own making -- an obsession.
Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2011 11:30 am
A person open to love is open to every manor of injury... And if our only defense is dishonesty, of dishonor, of saying we love when we do not because we fear to, then we have lost to ourselves every measure and more than we have feared to invest into the relationship... It is terrible to love and lose... It is so far worse to fail to love for fear of loss for then loss is certain and the end is written...

My heart is broken and it will never heal, and I trust most people's hearts are broken and without a joy they once knew, and they continue their lives as even my dear love does... Only one thing saves me a greater pain, and that is that as much as it was possible to me, I loved with an open heart, holding nothing back... In retrospect I might have had a hundred good loves, forever relationships if only I knew then how to love, and feared not to love...There is good reason that I love my wife as I do...She is lovable, open and engaging with everyone, able to love and express love even to strangers... And she has suffered great pain and want, injury and prejudice; and she has survived...

Why I love her as I do can only be expressed by analogy... It is as though I bought a house, called my life, and I was contented with living in that house called my life, in my kitchen and bath and bedroom... And suddenly there entered my life this woman who showed me that what I thought was a wall was really a door, and that with opening that door many rooms were revealed to me, some containing great joys beyond my wildest expectations, and others containing fears beyond my deepest dread... I did not know I could feel the range and depth of emotions within me that now I can touch at will, and some times against my will... But; she was there with me, feeling much the same pain as myself, and we survived the worst sorts of thing life has to offer, together... I might say that she found a new place to break my heart, but she has taught me that one does not love with ones heart, but with their entire being... So what if she has the power of my destruction in her hands... I was already destroyed before I met her, and it was her that gave me my life as I know it... I love her...
Reply Wed 2 Nov, 2011 06:00 pm
Yes, but you still feel love for her. Not a small thing, feelings of love. So, keep loving her whether she's there, or not. Put that love into everything you do. Especially creative endeavors like writing books, poetry or songs, painting pictures, building houses, being president. Whatever. It's yours. One day you'll notice that you no longer fear anything.
Reply Thu 3 Nov, 2011 09:51 am
Love is the price of happiness... If one cannot love then neither can they know happiness; and in the gamble of life, love is the stakes we wager knowing heart and soul go with them, and when we win we win big, having all beyond our wildest dreams or expectations.
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2011 03:23 pm
Right on.
Reply Mon 7 Nov, 2011 04:22 pm
I'll leave the following with you, what's said on the Introduction page of
A Course in Miracles, published first in 1975 in 3 volumes. You could say the subject of love is described on most all of the now combined book's way over 1,000 pages, though.

...This course does not aim at teaching the meaning of love, for that is beyond what can be taught. It does aim, however, at removing the blocks to the awareness of love's presence, which is your natural inheritance. The opposite of love is fear, but what is all-encompassing can have no opposite.

This course can therefore be summed up very simly in this way:

Nothing real can be threatened.
Nothing unreal exists.

Herein lies peace


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