Fri 15 Oct, 2010 03:03 am
Failure of dam wall. No details yet
Residents near Tumbarumba in southern New South Wales have been told to evacuate immediately as a nearby dam wall is crumbling.
Tumbarumba Shire Council has issued an urgent alert to residents on the Mannus and Tooma creeks, downstream from the Mannus Lake, to evacuate.
It is feared the Mannus Dam could burst as the wall of the dams is eroding.
The council says residents have only an hour or less.
Evacuation centres have been set up in Tumbarumba, Ardenside and Toooma Station.
Concern for dam sparks flood warning
19:53 AEST Fri Oct 15 2010
Residents downstream from the Mannus Dam in southern NSW are being warned to evacuate their homes and prepare for flooding.
Residents near Tumbarumba have been told to evacuate immediately as the nearby dam wall is crumbling, the ABC reports.
Tumbarumba Shire Council has issued an urgent alert to residents on the Mannus and Tooma creeks, downstream from the Mannus Lake, to evacuate.
It is feared the Mannus Dam could burst as the wall of the dams is eroding.
The State Emergency Service (SES) is warning residents around the towns of Morven, Culcairn, Walbundrie and Rand to prepare for flooding.
Dozens of homes in Holbrook and Lockhart have been evacuated due to rising floodwaters, following heavy rain.
People on low-lying properties along the Tumut River have also been advised to prepare for flooding and a caravan park at Tumut is being evacuated.
This site gives a google earth link to the area.
The area is near(?) Wagga Wagga. (Tryagain is gonna love it.) Tumut is the regional town In Central New South Wales. It appears that only a small number of residents will be affected.
My wife says that too but when she says it, it's NOT a compliment
I missed this. Must follow up
How many people live in the potential danger zone that need to be evacuated?
<Oooh... been to Wagga Wagga
Keep us posted DP - no news on the haunted fish tank here...
tsarstepan wrote:
How many people live in the potential danger zone that need to be evacuated?
variouse reports.
Some say 40 properties. The area would I think be mostly cattle grazing each property might be up to several thousand acres. Thats a wild stab in the dark by the way.
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Dam Evacuation Order Issued for Mannus Lake
15 October 2010, 9:15pm
Dam Failure Evacuation Order for Mannus Lake
A Red Alert for areas immediately downstream of Mannus Lake has been issued by Tumbarumba Shire Council. The dam is currently spilling and its integrity is unknown. Failure of the dam will result in extremely dangerous flooding of the areas downstream stream of the dam.
The State Emergency Service has already directed residents in the 10 to 15 km downstream of the dam towards Bogandyera Nature Reserve to evacuate immediately.
The State Emergency Service now advises residents in the additional following areas to evacuate immediately:
Low lying areas adjacent to the Mannus Creek, downstream to its confluence with Tumbarumba Creek, and downstream along the Tooma River to the Murray River.
Do not delay your evacuation. The extent of the potential dam failure flooding is unknown. You could become trapped and need to be rescued. Remaining in flooded areas is dangerous and may place your life at risk.
We're a weird mob here in Oz. Tumbarumba is one of the towns in the general area.
"Tumba Bloody Rumba"
I was down the Riverina, knockin' 'round the towns a bit,
And occasionally resting with a schooner in me mitt,
And on one of these occasions, when the bar was pretty full
And the local blokes were arguin' assorted kind of bull,
I heard a conversation, most peculiar in its way.
It's only in Australia you would hear a joker say:
"Howya bloody been, ya drongo, haven't seen ya fer a week,
And yer mate was lookin' for ya when ya come in from the creek.
'E was lookin' up at Ryan's, and around at bloody Joe's,
And even at the Royal, where 'e bloody NEVER goes".
And the other bloke says "Seen 'im? Owed 'im half a bloody quid.
Forgot to give it back to him, but now I bloody did -
Could've used the thing me bloody self. Been off the bloody booze,
Up at Tumba-bloody-rumba shootin' kanga-bloody-roos."
Now the bar was pretty quiet, and everybody heard
The peculiar integration of this adjectival word,
But no-one there was laughing, and me - I wasn't game,
So I just sits back and lets them think I spoke the bloody same.
Then someone else was interested to know just what he got,
How many kanga-bloody-roos he went and bloody shot,
And the shooting bloke says "Things are crook -
the drought's too bloody tough.
I got forty-two by seven, and that's good e-bloody-nough."
And, as this polite rejoinder seemed to satisfy the mob,
Everyone stopped listening and got on with the job,
Which was drinkin' beer, and arguin', and talkin' of the heat,
Of boggin' in the bitumen in the middle of the street,
But as for me, I'm here to say the interesting piece of news
Was Tumba-bloody-rumba shootin' kanga-bloody-roos.
by John O'Grady (1907-1981) (aka Nino Culotta – They’re a Weird Mob)
DP, eiche nardly bleevit mate! Jeer that noise, wodger reckna itiz, scettin lairder. Yeah. Shockin' - Gonnynews?
" A Red Alert has been issued by Tumbarumba Shire Council... Do not delay your evacuation."
No worries mate; but the dunny's a bit of a no go area right now!
I was fresh off the plane at Wagga Wagga airport, and trying to negotiate Australian customs. Finally, when it was my turn to get my passport stamped, the customs officer starts rattling off the usual questions:
C.O. - How long do you intend to stay?
Me - 1 week.
C.O. - What is the nature of this trip?
Me - Business.
C.O. - Do you have any past criminal convictions?
Me - I didn't think we still needed to!!!
Still, it was a waste of time because, I was looking to put on a show about Jesus, but couldn't find three wise men and a virgin in Wagga Wagga!
So I went to play golf instead - where I was told an Australians idea of foreplay is, 'you awake'? However, they do know the difference between a G-Spot and a golf ball... An Australian bloke will actually search for a golf ball!
BTW: That Izzie Sheila is a bit of 'alright mate, but can she play golf? Gotta go and play around!
Did I miss your trip to old blighty?
Couda been at Coona-bloody-barabran!
Do they have didjeridus there? Plastic?
problem with that is there isnt a customs control at Wagga and I can assure you was at least 1 virgin in Wagga.