Rex Red
you generelazi (spelling) religions to be brainwashing people. In every group of religion and also politics there are fanatics. These fanatics are minorities and have to be convinced that what they are doing is wrong.
Catholics and also Lutherans don´t mind doubters and as far as I know even Luther was a doubter now and then.
All we can do is to live and try to influence - if we can - fanatics about what is wrong. Not only in religion but also in politics and there we have a greater chance by voting.
Have you ever heard of A Course in Miracles? The book itself is over 900 very thin pages. There's no way to explain what's inside of this book that lists no authors. It's incredibly complex, hence it's usually taught as a class. I finally bought this hefty book, have read about 50 pages, mostly by reading a couple paragraphs, then backing up and reading those paragraphs again 3, 4 times. I may finish it by the year 2525. I love it, and don't know what I used to think about through my days & years. I think the Unity church is now teaching it in their ministerial college in Unity Village, Missouri. Don't know about Unitarian.
This sort of teaching brings together science and spirituality. It's not a good thing to get rid of religion and then just create this void, where anything can come to roost. We have to search for our answers, keep studying.
This sort of gobbledeegook religious talk is very stressful, just listening. The word only means how we live our lives every day. Were we judgemental, cruel, jealous, hateful, or were we kind, gentle and loving, tolerant today? That's all that matters. I honestly don't think religion teaches the latter.
Depending on what denomination you belong to tolerance is a great part in Christian teaching. Sects usually do not teach tolerance. The mainstream denominations do teach tolerance - they do not tell you how to believe, they tell you to forgive and forget, to be tolerante.
Intolerance and hate against a certain group has been a political thing probably just as much if not even more than a religious in many areas.
Just think about segregation, that has been buildt into the laws of countries.
Prosecution and killing of another group or race has been also often a political reason.
Tolerance can also go too far. When in Britain sharia laws are accepted for civil cases it is going too far. When Muslims would like Swedish laws to be changed and include sharia laws when it comes to inheritance I am all against it.
Why should a woman or homosexual or nonMuslim not be able to inherate after the father or mother?
Freedom of religion - yes.
But for me this freedom ends and so does my tolerance as soon as another Christian denomination or another religion wants to change my life to their lifestyle.
Why is our churchbells not allowed to ring just because someone does not like to hear them?
I think it is a good idea to have different types of food for lunch in the school, but when porkmeat cannot be served as at all because the smell will disturbe someone - here ends my tolerance. I am for vegetarian food, non porkmeat and porkmeat, but don´t forbid it.
Pemerson wrote:
This sort of gobbledeegook religious talk is very stressful, just listening. The word only means how we live our lives every day. Were we judgemental, cruel, jealous, hateful, or were we kind, gentle and loving, tolerant today? That's all that matters. I honestly don't think religion teaches the latter.
In all honesty and compassion, apparently you have not read Leviticus. Or you just prefer to turn a blind eye to what cruelty religion has justified and perpetrated in the name of God. While Europe was persecuting homosexuals, imprisoning them and burning witches in the name of this book, you seem to think is harmless, uplifting and inspiring well I beg to differ. Blind faith is stressful to me also and I desire to voice my objections. Do you think being burnt at the stake was stressful? Women were burnt at the stake at the request of the pious and religious, and they want to take America back? These homosexuals were my brothers and sisters... and though you may think their deaths, in the name of Jesus, were trivial I will not ever let their deaths be forgotten. They are the true saints and if you want to pray to something for forgiveness pray to them. This thread is not only about good religion but bad religion also and most of what is in the bible is what I consider bad religion. It is amazing how intellects can draw inspiration from evil and thousands of pages later have twisted it into good at the expense of the lives of innocent people.
Followers of Jainism do everything possible not to hurt anything at all.