Of course not, it was really eastern Utah I thought I thought everyone knew that.
Naw, the government rigged the whole deal with Disney. It was all done with mirrors!
Hey, Boss, try this site about the
faked moon landing
And then Disney (with others) decided to make Capricorn One
Hilarious stuff!, Took awhile to read the debuking of "a funny thing happened on the way to the moon", but in itself it was also funny!
The "faked landing on the moon" stories started quickly after the first lunar landing. They are exemplary of the power of television. Some people continue the conspiracy stories, which is their right to do so.
You must excuse me. There are some black helicopters flying over my house. I must go outside to let the captain know somebody sees them. (My life may be in danger. If I don't get back, please have a Merry Christmas without me.)
Thank you.
Well the answer is as easy as putting a telescope in orbit around the Moon. Objects as small as 10cm would be visible, that would more than adequate to even make out individual footprints. Now who's going to find a few million to hire the Hubble?
From an Amature Radio Enthusiast's standpoint, the evidence for actual landings is compelling; the radio/video transmissions of the events came from the moon, as more than readily apparent by simple triangulation calculated from the required aiming angles of Earth-Based antennae used to receive those signals. Laser Reflectors were left in place by Astronauts as well, which can yet be illuminated by Earth-Bound Lasers. I wonder where we would find ouselves today if 30 years ago we had undertaken an equivalent alternative energy initiative.
The triangulation evidence is compelling as hundreds of hams got first hand data. The reflector information is mostly hearsay as only a dozen persons have controlled an experiment that reflected a laser beam off the moon. Participating in an experiment may result in false conclusions, as typically the participants only know part of the experiment, and half truths are often spread, or condoned by the person who controls the experiment.
As for the evidence that we did not go to the Moon, I find reasonable doubt in 1/2 of these explanations, so I'm confident that others can find reasonable doubt concerning the other half. We can neither prove nor disprove the 6 human trips to the Moon, but my guess is we did go. Neil
There are many things I don't believe in, but this is not one of them.
The hoax that is.
The visits there? You bet we did
Do bears **** in the woods?
We need the street magician with the mask to tell us how it was really done!!! Get him!!!
Strange that people question our landing on the moon more than they question our landing on Mars (or on Titan in January).
Granted the moon involved humans and Mars (so far) has involved robots, but Mars is a whole lot further away.
Maybe everything we ever thought about space exploration is a fake. Maybe we don't have satellites in orbit. Maybe Hubble is just making computer generated art. Maybe I'm just dreaming this whole world.
Hello Ros.
Still fighting the good fight?
Bibliophile the BibleGuru wrote:Hello Ros.
Still fighting the good fight?
Hi Bib, keeping myself entertained

What's new with you?
Just finished some design, construction and a bit more research.
Do you have the old thread we did over on Abuzz regarding the light intensity of the Moon at new and full stages?
Bibliophile the BibleGuru wrote:Do you have the old thread we did over on Abuzz regarding the light intensity of the Moon at new and full stages?
Sorry, I don't remember that one. I remember some discussions of tidal forces, but nothing regarding light intensity.
Did we really land on the moon?
Don't be silly, we did nothing of the sort . . . but someone else did . . .