Lightwizard wrote:In case you didn't notice, I just said I was in a WalMart.
I was composing while you posted that.
Quote: Again, your time must be very cheap and you like parking in those backed-up parking lots and trekking into that stadium sized store to buy one product. I maintain you save little doing that if your just charing off .40 cents a mile to operate your car.
In my area Walmart is half the distance (10 miles instead of 22) it would be to go to either Costco or Sam's Club (or Target for that matter, it's right next to Costco..) and their parking lots aren't any better than the parking at Walmart.
Quote:I said nothing, BTW, about oil or toothpaste -- they don't have model numbers.
But that is, I suspect, the type of thing that most people go to Walmart to buy. I wouldn't plan on going to Walmart to buy clothing (other than socks or undershirts), audio or computer equipment, furniture, etc.. but if I need a few quarts of oil, a bottle of windshield washer fluid, Tylenol, toothpaste, a stack of blank CDs, a box of pens and a new address book I can grab brand names on all of them quickly in one stop and get out of there without getting ripped off.