Running grey water into a pond is probaly not suitable from an enviromnetal point of view. Slot drains buried in the garden might be.
There are all sorts of enviro regulations you will need to comply with. Before you get too far into it I'd suggest you check with your local planning office. They will give you a good idea of whats suitable and whats not.
Contacting a couple of plumbers in the area might be of value as well even if you dont intend to use their services. Just shhot the breeze a little and get info on whats good and whats not.
Something that you may want to consider is catching rain water as a 20 feet by 20 feet tarp with 1 inch of water would be almost 250 gallons, not that you would be able to collect all of that water but it is a idea.
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Sun 12 Sep, 2010 06:35 pm
I already compost, just not on that scale, but Ima have 10 acres to play with now, so scale shmaile...
and I have 2 rain barrels to take with me, but. (there is a well...)
If you have a well you have most every thing you need for a week or two, It is when you start to stay longer than a week that you will need to think larger as far as septic goes