Mon 26 Oct, 2009 07:59 am
I am thinking of changing a 15 foot section of old cast iron (3") to PVC (4"). I feel confident with the various couplings from 3-4 ect..., cutting, and all that.. However, I am leary of the actual hookup to the county cast iron sewer pipe that comes out of the basement wall. I think the 3 inch cast iron pipe is inserted with lead, rope, etc.. I understand i need to use the torch to get the lead and all out of there.. then i was told that all i need is a compression reducing donut which goes on the end of the 4" PVC pipe, and inserts into the 4" cast iron sewer drain? is that it? a simple rubber compression donut will stay in the sewer pipe? It seems like that's not enough? any ideas on what i may be missing?
Thank you.
There are a lot of things I'm willing to take on as DIY projects.
This would not be one of them.
A simple mistake could cost you thousands of dollars, and you're soliciting advice from strangers on the Internet?
thanks, but drains are one of the simplest of the plumbing projects. but thanks anyways.
actually, sewer work is just yucky, not rocket science...
yes, the compression fitting will stay in place if you do it properly (it's not hard)
sewer pipe is under very little pressure and is a gravity based system where your home is involved.
most home improvement centers have a book detailing what you want to know for about $20.
good luck.
Whoops. I missed that it's the drain.
OK, drains are relatively easy.