Sun 7 Dec, 2003 08:43 pm
Anybody out there want to talk about the moral of human cloning
The Christian postion on cloning the clone would be a unique person in the eyes of God,but first I must ask in all fairness would God be happy with the fact that humans here on earth are trying to take his job fron him ? And what gives other humans the right to play God in the frist place ?
There is a previous thread similar to your subject matter if you would like to continue here:
...other then the supposed greatness that is human technology, what exactly would be the point? its not natural to clone humans, it will add nothing to human society and there are possible reprocussions that might not be so pretty so all in all why bother?
i dont believe in god, im an atheist, but the moral standpoint i have on human cloning is that the disadvantages outweight the advantages and it is therefore pointless
Phoenix32890 wrote:I am loath to squelch the advancement of science in any way.
Quote:the disadvantages outweight the advantages and it is therefore pointless
We don't know that yet, do we?
There is something about that last sentence that I really like! :wink: :wink:
cloning and religion
There isn't anything morally wrong with cloning. Face it, cloning is the wave of the future
people at work always ask me if i have a twin brother (who could do the same amount of work as i do).
i don't, but this would be the next best thing...
So, let's say, we can make a functioning human being. Perfectly.
The value of this creation of a person, is still going to be the actions of that person. How are they considering this component of things, in this creation?
I don't believe in God...but, I do enjoy the nuances of individuals, made in nature. We may be introducing a new set of complications, to this already complex, Earth*.
It's barely trying to hold on.
Well for me i have no moral objection to the advancement or process of cloning. I mean to me unless you can transfer someones memorries into their clone, making a full human clone is pointless. But think about cloning someones heart, cloning their liver, kidney or lungs. These "donor" organs would fit perfectley in your body and could potentially save millions of lives. To me thats worth it very much so. (My view on stem cell research is much the same)
or what if you could get a clone of yourself before it develops... having your own stem cells might be useful...
Already possible, already been done.
I dunno....once the egg nucleus has been removed and replaced with ovarian cumulus cells and they reach the blastocyst stage, you got stem cells that can be anything we want them to be. What's not useful about that, yet?
can you eat them like on south park in order to utilize the stem cells?
I'm just sayin, I'm not gonna be going to the doctor to get some stem cells any time soon.
Lol! No, I doubt you'll be able to order them up from a menu of snacks anytime soon for sure.
But, depending on how young you are, you could very well see some amazing things happening in your lifetime with them!
Let me was Cartman who wanted them with his Cheezy-poofs?
Who could stand to rear an exact duplicate of oneself? Psychologically it would be very difficult for anyone but a great egoist.
One a religious level, it causes a problem, at least for literalists. In a way it's humorous. Is there just one soul divided between the two that they would have to share like a timeshare apartment? What if one hogs it and won't give it back?
I suppose if the church opposes cloning on moral ground, it would also have to oppose identical twins on the same grounds. Will identical twins be the next target of ostracization by the conservative fundamentalists?
hehe no it was christopher reeve

he would just break open a whole fetus and suck out the insides and he kept getting stronger and stronger over the course of the episode, until he was superman again
It's no wonder that I miss television, binnyboy!
Coluber....interesting idea on the timeshare thing...soul-share maybe?
And the identical twins.....yes, that is about as close to a clone as one comes. One fertilized egg and a two way split. Cloning au naturel...hmmmm.
I guess that's where the idea of the evil twin comes from. One grabs the soul and hangs on to it, and the other is soul-less. There was a Simpson episode about that. It turned out that Bart had a Siamese twin that lived in the attic. But, in the end, it was revealed that Bart was the actual evil twin.