I consider serving on a jury an honor.
Have you served on a jury? It is a dirty job. I went through an attempted murder trial and being locked in a room with 11 other people who I wouldn't have wanted to share a beer with and some of whom were quite simply idiots is bad enough. Having to agree with these people on an urgent matter involving a stabbing where if we get it wrong either an innocent man spends years in prison or a violent criminal goes free is torture.
My experience on a jury left me with a very bad taste in my mouth and a deep ambivalence about the process. It is theoretically a good thing that normal people decide what is fair and true, but the fact that normal people are such idiots makes this quite questionable in practice. Our deliberation process involved people screaming about irrelevant evidence and jurors clearly misunderstanding or deliberately ignoring the judges instructions. The key principle of reasonable doubt was beyond several people on the jury.
Civic Duty I will buy.
Considering this torturous experience an "honor" is incredibly naive.