It sounds like this:
Say a person is negative all the time. He hates his job. I ask him why he doesn't quit, and he says "because my wife won't let me."
It occurs to me that he has shaped his world by his attitude, but he is oblivious to this. He acts like it's happening to him. The suckiness isn't out there... it's a lense he looks through.... and the lense was created by him.
But as I consider this, am I thinking I'm different? When I consider any given phenomenon... don't I take it that it's been "given" to me... as opposed to being a production of my own expectations?
There are those who will say that you control the lense through which you see the world. Change it, and the world will change.... and since I am something related to my world, when my world changes, I change.
Which would suggest that at any point, I could morph into somebody else, just by changing my assumptions.
The alternate viewpoint: human stories play out over time. There is an underlying meaning that may be far from obvious. Yet, that meaning must be expressed. You can consciously participate in the playing out. But defy the inner logic of the story and nothing has been accomplished. So the morphing is a temporary illusion.
On the other hand there can be inertia to stories. The structures they create can remain after the original story has reached it's completion. It's in this situation that the subject's rise to mastery is meaningful and will be successful. But what fell away was already dead like the decaying leaves on the sprout of a new story.