I don't know, I only dream of Spain (a lot)

I don't have any real experience there, perhaps Michelle should have consulted you if Spanish culture was the motivation. You seem authentically knowledgeable and thanks for the tip. Perhaps I need a geology lesson...
As for children and their interest in culture, it really depends on the love and importance their role models place on culture as to if they will be genuinely interested or not. My father being Scandinavian from Boroy (an island off Norway) also exposed all of us children to Norwegian songs and culture. We would sing them on long car trips here in the states. How I truly cherish those experiences.
I still remember the words to a Spanish song my mother taught us to sing. When I hear Spanish sung it makes me cry uncontrollably and I am not sure why. It seems to have a way into my heart like no other language. I love all languages but Spanish has that ability, like waking me up. Maybe a past life or as a career song writer, musician and vocalist maybe the Spanish words have an innate ability that speaks to a musical mind. Maybe it is just the memory of my mom singing Spanish.
One day I hope to know the Spanish language well enough to dream in Spanish. I don't say this to be insulting to other languages, by no means, it is just how I have discovered my own mind, what it likes and how it works. I rediscovered the Spanish language and ever since, it has had a profound emotional impact on my life.
You are right I am sure the staff at the hotel in Spain were Michelle stayed all spoke very good English which just shows that Europeans are much more progressive than Americans... But even broken English is beautiful to me... I may be biased... When I went to Amsterdam the Dutch there all spoke English and I not a single word of Dutch... Such a pity... As a singer it makes me feel sad that I have not learned to sing these beautiful other languages which now have such an impact on my heart and soul.
I know English is a difficult language to master also and I do very much appreciate and love English... But Spanish will always captivate me I realize. Every day I learn more Spanish words. Someday maybe I will go and stay in a place where I will be immersed in Spanish long enough to be able to learn to sing it beautifully and well. That will be a proud day in my life. I'm learning and finding it fun. I am really open to learning all languages now. It is a new sense of pride in myself and the world.
I remember then old town center in Amsterdam built if I recall in the 1400's (if I am not mistaken by the Spanish...) It was ornate and very fascinating. I walked around for hours in that section of the city just taking in the awesome beauty of the architecture.
I was also fascinated by the city gates in Amsterdam and it took me back to a time when Dutch traders ruled the open seas.... The Dutch opened their arms to the world rather than turning their backs.... I admire that...
I also saw the Church the pilgrims built in Amsterdam before they moved on to America. This touched me also I and respect so much the friendly Dutch and their sanctuary they graciously gave to the persecuted of that time. And then there was Ann Frank and how the Dutch suffered so under the tyranny of Hitler... And how they risking their own lives gave refuge to the terrorized Jews.
I aspire to be like like this, to open my arms to the world and just love all peoples and their cultures with an unfettered heart...