I love New York. I could go there for a visit at the drop of a hat if my life were so ordered to make it possible.
Maybe a friend or two could arrange to meet you there, or go with you, and help you with this, littlek. :wink:
Beth be one of aforementioned friends.
I'm tethered to my job by a pager. I don't go far, ever.
well, I have friends here, online friends in NY, family in southern CT. i could find someone to go with.
Maybe one day when I retire I will get to return.
April 10 - May, 2004
Chihuly Exhibition
Marlborough Gallery, New York, New York
you know how i feel about Chihuly ...
What do I fear? running out of time to do all the things I'd like to do.
While I was at my [late] Grandma's 90th birthday party a bee started buzzing around me and those who were outside said I turned white as a sheet.
There also was a guy on my HS football team who was terrified of seeing fluids taken out of his body; he wasn't afraid of blood or needles though.
In addition to heights, I'm not great with crowds, especially on the subway.
I'm with Neo. Bees, wasps, buzzing insects in general. It's a primal fear. I hear them and go cold and white as a sheet, just as you described. Totally irrational, but....
GET OUTTA MY WAY!!!!! (running at top speed)
The more you run from them, the more likely they are to ATTACK. Feel their Zen, and you shall be unafraid.
I was afraid of flying for the 24 yrs I had kids to be in charge of/alive for. Now they're grown up, I feel better about the flying. But I still carry valium in case!
My mother swings at bees and that's the worst thing you can do. I ignore bees and they are kind enough to leave me alone ;-)
Oh, flying!!!!! I will never fly!!!!
I always get the jitters just before boarding a plane, but after that I have fun.
I like flying, but since the Turkey bombings and the world practically going mad, I've favoured ferries and trains :-I.
I dislike heights that are not secure... about fifteen or twenty years ago, when I was young, my grandmother and I fell down a slope (luckily grassy) near Mount Leinster...
I dislike wasps... and cockroaches and beetles *shudders*
I desperately fear someone may slip okra into my food. Yucko.
Heights tend to be what makes me become imobile. The heights are rather small, like riding on a horse--I'm very aware of how much it will hurt if I fall off the horse. Up in a plane, the height doesn't seem to bother me.
Enclosed places, crowded cocktail parties--I start feeling like I have to get out into some fresh air.