To Kill a Mockingbird has been on my Top Ten Movies list since at least 1967, I know I didn't read the book until June 4th of 1968.
I know that because I know I finished it on a plane on my way to Washington, DC to compete in a talent competition for the USAF. The winners would go to entertain the troops in Viet Nam.
That night, as we were getting ready to go party after the our show, we were told the news about Bobby Kennedy. One of the performers said
"They intend to kill every good and decent man." Standing there, with Mockingbird still echoing in my head and with the events of the previous April still as fresh as a new cut, I knew he was so wrong and so right.)
I know I saw the movie at the State Theatre in Manchester, CT. I was just done with my freshman year of high school so that has to be 1962. If they had wanted to shoot the movie in a small industrial town with a Main Street right off the covers of the Saturday Evening Post, they could have come to Manchester.
It was a summer night. I'm sure of that. Admission was .25 . I know that because I had $2.00 with me that night. I paid for myself and Betty Beaulieu. I bought us two cokes and a large popcorn which was .25 more.
We watched the movie.
When it was over we walked up Main Street and across a corner of the park to Center Street. I asked Betty if she wanted an ice cream cone from Farr's Soda Shop. She said "No, thank you" and there was a long pause.
"People are so mean to each other" she said.
"I think things will get better" I said.
But that was 1962 and I had no idea what I was talking about.
Joe(The night Nixon was elected, I cried for my country,I cried myself to sleep.)Nation