"History" according to atheists

Fatal Freedoms
Reply Fri 24 Jul, 2009 07:59 am
Carico;66712 wrote:
Mini didn't know it. She said the description of the biblical account of creation didn't resemble reality.

It doesn't. You didn't describe creation you described how stars are used. Stars have to exist before they can be used for anything.
Reply Fri 24 Jul, 2009 08:01 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;66715 wrote:
It doesn't. You didn't describe creation you described how stars are used. Stars have to exist before they can be used for anything.

I described the creation that God created. All you have to do is read it. So there's no use lying about it because I can see the words right there in the bible. Sorry. Wink
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Fri 24 Jul, 2009 08:14 am
Carico;66716 wrote:
I described the creation that God created. All you have to do is read it. So there's no use lying about it because I can see the words right there in the bible. Sorry. Wink

And why should I believe the bible?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Jul, 2009 04:50 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;66492 wrote:

LOL,... that's absolute class.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Jul, 2009 08:35 pm
Carico;66626 wrote:
That's wise since evolution can't be verified historically or biologically. Wink

Sure it can. I'll even present a challenge to you: Submit your DNA for a test. If you have 23 pairs of chromosomes, then evolutionary biology is verified. If you have 24, well... you have more problems than your misinterpretation of science.

Ever get a flu shot? Every time you do, you verify evolutionary biology as well as your own hypocrisy. I'm sure you've wondered why it's a yearly thing. By the way, where did H1N1 come from? Did a benevolent creator just *POOF* and make this virus, or was it a "hey, lemme finaggle with this and make this virus not only airborne, but communicable through humans!"? If so for either question... to what purpose? Creation and design infer purpose, so where's the purpose in H1N1?

Since you like giraffes, here's a neat one: What is the design and inferred purpose in the way a giraffe births its offspring? More specifically, what's the purpose in a young and innocent baby giraffe's first experience in this big world being a five foot introduction to gravity?

Better one: What's the purpose behind having more teeth than can fit in our jaw? Wisdom teeth suck, why are they there? Anyone who screwed up that badly wouldn't have a job in their field ever again. The same goes for our eyes... what's the purpose in connecting the optic nerve in such a fashion that it causes a MASSIVE blind spot. If we were created, how could such a being screw the pooch that badly?
Reply Fri 24 Jul, 2009 08:38 pm
Carico;66716 wrote:
I described the creation that God created. All you have to do is read it. So there's no use lying about it because I can see the words right there in the bible. Sorry. Wink

So why did the people who believed this Bible not have anywhere near the knowledge in astronomy that other cultures acquired several thousand years earlier?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 25 Jul, 2009 04:25 pm
Sabz5150;66739 wrote:
Sure it can. I'll even present a challenge to you: Submit your DNA for a test. If you have 23 pairs of chromosomes, then evolutionary biology is verified. If you have 24, well... you have more problems than your misinterpretation of science.

Ever get a flu shot? Every time you do, you verify evolutionary biology as well as your own hypocrisy. I'm sure you've wondered why it's a yearly thing. By the way, where did H1N1 come from? Did a benevolent creator just *POOF* and make this virus, or was it a "hey, lemme finaggle with this and make this virus not only airborne, but communicable through humans!"? If so for either question... to what purpose? Creation and design infer purpose, so where's the purpose in H1N1?

Since you like giraffes, here's a neat one: What is the design and inferred purpose in the way a giraffe births its offspring? More specifically, what's the purpose in a young and innocent baby giraffe's first experience in this big world being a five foot introduction to gravity?

Better one: What's the purpose behind having more teeth than can fit in our jaw? Wisdom teeth suck, why are they there? Anyone who screwed up that badly wouldn't have a job in their field ever again. The same goes for our eyes... what's the purpose in connecting the optic nerve in such a fashion that it causes a MASSIVE blind spot. If we were created, how could such a being screw the pooch that badly?

:rollinglaugh: Saying "mutations exist means that the story of evolution is true' is no different than saying that since little people exist, namely dwarfs and midgets, then that makes "Lord of the Rings" true. :rollinglaugh:

The story of evolution is no different than the hypothesis; "If dogs once ruled the world, then humans came from dogs." Then the rest of the story is how could dogs turn into humans? Well, their genes just mutated into human genes. :rollinglaugh:

But the problem with the story of evolution is, Darwin forgot about the word "If" and "What if" became "It happened!":rollinglaugh:

Sorry, but a conclusion can only be as hypothetical as the premise is. Wink And since Darwin didn't describe his main characters, then he couldn't possibly know what traits they had in the first place! He thus can't know:

1) Which traits "mutated" from the "common ancestors" and which did not
2) How they mutated
3) How long it took for them to mutate
4) What traits the descendants had since he didn't know what traits the common ancestors had!

So again, if an author doesn't know his main characters, then he has no story since he can't talk about non-existent characters. And that is of course, why, no one today who believes the badly written story of evolution knows the origin of man. . Wink
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Mon 27 Jul, 2009 02:07 am
Carico;66846 wrote:

1) Which traits "mutated" from the "common ancestors" and which did not
2) How they mutated
3) How long it took for them to mutate
4) What traits the descendants had since he didn't know what traits the common ancestors had!

These questions demonstrate you have no idea what a mutation even is.

1) traits do not mutate, only genetic material can mutate.
2) Error in gene replication
3) Mutation occurs when offspring is formed, you're born with your mutations
4) you are the descendant, what traits do you have?
Reply Mon 27 Jul, 2009 04:19 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;66944 wrote:
These questions demonstrate you have no idea what a mutation even is.

1) traits do not mutate, only genetic material can mutate.
2) Error in gene replication
3) Mutation occurs when offspring is formed, you're born with your mutations
4) you are the descendant, what traits do you have?

And you don't know:

1) That copulation has to happen between two animals or humans in order for any gene to mutate into a different trait (which is impossible to begin with). And since apes and humans cannot interbreed, then one cannot pass any of their genes onto the other. That's Biology 101. :rolleyes:

2) Genes cannot become the genes of another animal or human genes could turn into giraffe genes. :rollinglaugh:

So your imaginary story has so many holes in it that scientists have to continually keep plugging them up just to have them leak again. :rollinglaugh:

But that's okay, I know you can't think for yourself which is why you simply memorize what you read in science books without thinking them through. Very Happy
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Mon 27 Jul, 2009 05:20 am
Carico;66963 wrote:
And you don't know:

1) That copulation has to happen between two animals or humans in order for any gene to mutate into a different trait (which is impossible to begin with). And since apes and humans cannot interbreed, then one cannot pass any of their genes onto the other. That's Biology 101. :rolleyes:

That's not how evolution works you fool!

Evolution does not require interbreeding. At the very least you should understand the fundamentals of what you are attempting (and failing horrifically) to refute.

I don't think it's too much to ask that you understand how evolution works when trying to "debunk" it.

2) Genes cannot become the genes of another animal or human genes could turn into giraffe genes.

And where is it said ANYWHERE that humans turn into giraffes?

NOWHERE! Stop using this example it does not represent evolution. In fact if we found that giraffes became humans this would REFUTE evolution not support it. You know this is not what evolution implies, it's been explained multiple times, and yet you purposely misrepresent it. This is called dishonesty.

But that's okay, I know you can't think for yourself

This is ironic.

Coming from a person of faith.
Ares cv
Reply Tue 28 Jul, 2009 11:40 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;66966 wrote:
That's not how evolution works you fool!

Evolution does not require interbreeding. At the very least you should understand the fundamentals of what you are attempting (and failing horrifically) to refute.

I don't think it's too much to ask that you understand how evolution works when trying to "debunk" it.

And where is it said ANYWHERE that humans turn into giraffes?

NOWHERE! Stop using this example it does not represent evolution. In fact if we found that giraffes became humans this would REFUTE evolution not support it. You know this is not what evolution implies, it's been explained multiple times, and yet you purposely misrepresent it. This is called dishonesty.

This is ironic.

Coming from a person of faith.

OUCH! You just brought him to shame :thumbup:!
Reply Thu 30 Jul, 2009 10:06 pm
@Ares cv,
Evolution does not require interbreeding. At the very least you should understand the fundamentals of what you are attempting (and failing horrifically) to refute.

This is by far the funniest post yet!:rollinglaugh::rollinglaugh: So humans aren't the product of mating and breeding between our ancestors. Is that correct? :eek::rollinglaugh: So please tell me how you came to be. Wink Let's see, how about:

1) Your parents wished your existence
2) Your ancestors put up a hand to the sky and children came. :rollinglaugh:
3) I know, your genes were floating around in space, formed you and bingo, you were born! :rollinglaugh:
4) By your reasoning, the genes of an ape can simply turn into the genes of a human like a quick or slow change artist. :rollinglaugh:

All you've proven is that evolutionists don't know how offspring are produced. So thank you for proving that. I'm glad i initiated a thread on the birds and the bees. Oh, I know that even children know how offspring are produced, but I always knew that evolutionists didn't. :rollinglaugh:
Reply Thu 30 Jul, 2009 10:12 pm
But one thing on which you and I agree is; since descendants are produced by the mating and breeding of their ancestors, then humans cannot be the descendants of apes. Thus, evolution is a lie. End of story. Smile
0 Replies
Reply Fri 31 Jul, 2009 02:22 am
Carico;66846 wrote:
:rollinglaugh: Saying "mutations exist means that the story of evolution is true' is no different than saying that since little people exist, namely dwarfs and midgets, then that makes "Lord of the Rings" true. :rollinglaugh:

The fundamental genetics between different sized people is negligible. You see entertainment and think its real. That's hilarious.

The story of evolution is no different than the hypothesis; "If dogs once ruled the world, then humans came from dogs." Then the rest of the story is how could dogs turn into humans? Well, their genes just mutated into human genes. :rollinglaugh:

Missing again. You show you don't know how mutations work. Wanna see how they work? What's your favorite breed of dog? You do realize that humans selectively chose traits from a population and bred upon those, right?

If not, why didn't God make the Boston Terrier? Its origins are younger than this country. We observed this new breed coming into being.

But all dogs are the same? Cool. Breed your Boston Terrier with a Saint Bernard. You'll find this a bit difficult.

But the problem with the story of evolution is, Darwin forgot about the word "If" and "What if" became "It happened!":rollinglaugh:

Sorry, but a conclusion can only be as hypothetical as the premise is. Wink And since Darwin didn't describe his main characters, then he couldn't possibly know what traits they had in the first place! He thus can't know:

Evolutionary biology isn't a "story". Just because your religious text is a story doesn't mean that everything else is.

1) Which traits "mutated" from the "common ancestors" and which did not

The chromosome 2 fusion. There's a GOOD start.

2) How they mutated

Reproduction is imperfect. Remember that.

3) How long it took for them to mutate

Anywhere from one generation to several. CCR5delta32 came about in a single generation, it is a mutation that by itself can be done in one generation.

The same goes for things like blonde hair and blue eyes.

4) What traits the descendants had since he didn't know what traits the common ancestors had!

We are the descendants. Our genetic code holds a LOT of what you are looking for.

So again, if an author doesn't know his main characters, then he has no story since he can't talk about non-existent characters. And that is of course, why, no one today who believes the badly written story of evolution knows the origin of man. . Wink

Evolutionary biology isn't a story. That's not its purpose. You're reading with your "bible glasses" again. That's your problem.

Your religion has brainwashed you and locked you into a single way of thought... not only can you not accept a different version of events, you cannot accept a different structure for them.

I have a test for you: I want you to identify a gene, any gene, that can be shown to be 100% made by design. I want one that cannot be shown to come from any other source whatsoever. Show all data and evidence for this. Since you believe all is created, this should be easy.
0 Replies
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Fri 31 Jul, 2009 03:13 am
Carico;67155 wrote:
This is by far the funniest post yet!:rollinglaugh::rollinglaugh: So humans aren't the product of mating and breeding between our ancestors. Is that correct? :eek::rollinglaugh: So please tell me how you came to be. Wink Let's see, how about:

1) Your parents wished your existence
2) Your ancestors put up a hand to the sky and children came. :rollinglaugh:
3) I know, your genes were floating around in space, formed you and bingo, you were born! :rollinglaugh:
4) By your reasoning, the genes of an ape can simply turn into the genes of a human like a quick or slow change artist. :rollinglaugh:

All you've proven is that evolutionists don't know how offspring are produced. So thank you for proving that. I'm glad i initiated a thread on the birds and the bees. Oh, I know that even children know how offspring are produced, but I always knew that evolutionists didn't. :rollinglaugh:

breeding =/= interbreeding

They're not the same thing. :thumbup:

Breeding is when two animals mate

Interbreeding is when two animals of different species or breeds mate.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 31 Jul, 2009 09:56 am
Carico;67155 wrote:
This is by far the funniest post yet!:rollinglaugh::rollinglaugh: So humans aren't the product of mating and breeding between our ancestors. Is that correct? :eek::rollinglaugh: So please tell me how you came to be. Wink Let's see, how about:

1) Your parents wished your existence
2) Your ancestors put up a hand to the sky and children came. :rollinglaugh:
3) I know, your genes were floating around in space, formed you and bingo, you were born! :rollinglaugh:
4) By your reasoning, the genes of an ape can simply turn into the genes of a human like a quick or slow change artist. :rollinglaugh:

All you've proven is that evolutionists don't know how offspring are produced. So thank you for proving that. I'm glad i initiated a thread on the birds and the bees. Oh, I know that even children know how offspring are produced, but I always knew that evolutionists didn't. :rollinglaugh:

you have failed biology 101 time and time again carico.. how bout you go over some reading comprehension 101.. mmk...OMG .... i am astounded by the ignorance that just keeps pouring out of him.. he needs to breathe deeply.. and then shut up already.
Reply Fri 31 Jul, 2009 10:32 am
Carico;66712 wrote:
{Mini} said the description of the biblical account of creation didn't resemble reality. )

Genesis 1 contradicts Genesis 2

-and just how do all the plants exist and how are there mornings and evenings prior to the existence of the sun? :rollinglaugh:
0 Replies
Reply Fri 31 Jul, 2009 11:21 am
If not, why didn't God make the Boston Terrier? Its origins are younger than this country. We observed this new breed coming into being.

And where did you observe this happening? Since many people here claim that mating and breeding has nothing to do with evolution, then where did the Boston Terrier come from? Did it come from mating between a giraffe and an elephant? :rollinglaugh: How about, the Boston Terrier simply appearing out of thin air? :rollinglaugh: I know, it mutated from a zebra! :rollinglaugh:

If it's been observed (which I doubt), then I bet it was simply cross bred by humans. But of course, humans weren't around to cross breed an ape, no a monkey, no an imaginary animal with a human, no an ape, no another unknown fictitious animal. Wink
Reply Fri 31 Jul, 2009 10:09 pm
Carico;67204 wrote:
Since many people here claim that mating and breeding has nothing to do with evolution

Anybody who says that is ignorant
0 Replies
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sat 1 Aug, 2009 05:52 am
Carico;67204 wrote:
Since many people here claim that mating and breeding has nothing to do with evolution,

I said evolution does not require interbreeding. I've already spent an unnecessarily long amount of time trying to explain the difference between breeding and interbreeding.

Isn't lying a sin?

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