The Anti-Christ movement

Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sat 25 Jul, 2009 01:13 pm
Carico;66827 wrote:
So how do you know that my view of God is narrow?

Because it is limited by prior dogma.
Reply Sun 26 Jul, 2009 01:41 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;66831 wrote:
Because it is limited by prior dogma.

Finally, something on which we agree. Wink

Only I didn't have prior dogma since I didn't go to church as a child nor were my parents Christians. ;)So my knowledge came from reading the bible and observing reality to see that the Genesis account of creation agrees with reality perfectly. Wink
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Mon 27 Jul, 2009 02:21 am
Carico;66880 wrote:
Finally, something on which we agree. Wink

Only I didn't have prior dogma since I didn't go to church as a child nor were my parents Christians. ;)So my knowledge came from reading the bible and observing reality to see that the Genesis account of creation agrees with reality perfectly. Wink

This is dogma, a very limited view of it.

I suppose you didn't pay much attention during school either. Otherwise you would know that light is energy, sound can't travel through empty space, and mutations are errors in gene replication.
Reply Mon 27 Jul, 2009 04:02 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;66948 wrote:
This is dogma, a very limited view of it.

I suppose you didn't pay much attention during school either. Otherwise you would know that light is energy, sound can't travel through empty space, and mutations are errors in gene replication.

Dogma is blindly believing everything scientists say even though it contradicts reality. Sorry. Wink
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Mon 27 Jul, 2009 05:40 am
Carico;66959 wrote:
Dogma is blindly believing everything scientists say even though it contradicts reality. Sorry. Wink

When scientists say something they back it up with evidence.

Because of science we have modern medicine, because of science we have clean food and water, because of science we have electricity, because of science you are able to argue your opinions over the internet.

But when they discover something that disagrees with your ancient dogma, it's them that are wrong.....yeah, right :p
Reply Mon 27 Jul, 2009 10:27 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;66969 wrote:
When scientists say something they back it up with evidence.

Because of science we have modern medicine, because of science we have clean food and water, because of science we have electricity, because of science you are able to argue your opinions over the internet.

But when they discover something that disagrees with your ancient dogma, it's them that are wrong.....yeah, right :p

The only problem is that their "evidence" is nothing more than speculation based on observations. Wink Examples are drugs that are constantly recalled since they actually can increase death. Or having to constantly change claims like that fats are bad for you, carbs are good into fats are good for you, carbs are bad for you. Or claiming that in the 1970's we were headed into another age and now claiming that the planet is warming up, etc. :rollinglaugh:

So when scientists speculate incorrectly (which is more often than not), then they have to say; "We now know that what we once thought was true is not true."Wink

And that's why today's science will be archaic to tomorrow's science. Wink Scientists have to keep replacing their old lies with new ones. And as long as they reject God, they'll continue to do that until they all die. Wink
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Mon 27 Jul, 2009 10:58 am
Carico;66980 wrote:
The only problem is that their "evidence" is nothing more than speculation based on observations. Wink Examples are drugs that are constantly recalled since they actually can increase death. Or having to constantly change claims like that fats are bad for you, carbs are good into fats are good for you, carbs are bad for you. Or claiming that in the 1970's we were headed into another age and now claiming that the planet is warming up, etc. :rollinglaugh:

So when scientists speculate incorrectly (which is more often than not), then they have to say; "We now know that what we once thought was true is not true."Wink

And that's why today's science will be archaic to tomorrow's science. Wink Scientists have to keep replacing their old lies with new ones. And as long as they reject God, they'll continue to do that until they all die. Wink
Reply Mon 27 Jul, 2009 05:45 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,

Now that's pretty comprehensive.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 30 Jul, 2009 09:20 am
Even Darwin considered his theory, just that, a theory. He never claimed that man evolved from monkeys either. He wasn't stupid and was able to concoct a pretty good theory. Unfortunately a large portion of people who disagree with those who believe in Creationism and not bothered to read Darwins theory have decided that evolving from monkeys is the only logical answer since their minds cannot comprehend a possibility of a divine being. They never consider that this planet we call earth was most probably void of anything at one time. Which is totally logical. And if this is the case, where did the first cell come from? Where did the second cell come from and how did they join together to create a 'life form'? Going beyond that, how many trillions of years did it take for there to be more than one cell, (created from nothingness)? If anything boggles the mind, that should. Creationism is more logical, in my belief.

Back on topic:

Carico;66402 wrote:
Well all is going according to prophesy. And it's been happening at increasing speed in the last decade.

God is allowing Satan's servants to call good evil and evil good. He's also allowing them to bring a world-wide movement against the Jews so the nations of the world can go against Israel where God will annihilate them with earthquakes, volcanoes, hail storms and enticing them to turn against each other. Wink

I wondered how this could happen after the holocaust. But I'm learning first-hand how quickly people forget history and repeat it. It was less than 10 years ago that Muslim terrorists attacked our country. Within that time, we have a president with Muslims leanings and people claiming that that the Muslims are good and the Jews don't have a right to defend themselves. So hatred against Israel is happening at alarming speeds.

The anti-Christ movement is also in full swing. The only people whom it's politically correct to hate, are Jews and Christians. But those who want to engage in sexually immoral behavior and reward criminals like illegal aliens are now popular. Sodom and Gomorrah again. But since most people deny the events of Sodom and Gomorrah in the bible, then they're repeated just like anti-Semitism is being repeated.

So God is setting up the world to be deceived by the final anti-Christ who will claim that sin is good and redemption is bad. It won't be hard at all for him to deceive the world since:

1) Most people deny he will come even though most of the world is not for Christ, but anti-Christ
2) Most people call good evil and evil good
3) Most people think love is allowing them to indulge in their desires which is also what Satan calls love. Wink
4) Most people deny that Satan exists.
5) Most people see nothing wrong with computer chips in the hands so they'll unwittingly be deceived by the mark of the beast.

So all is going according to plan and the end won't be delayed much longer. Wink

Carico, it would be very nice if you quit posting as a Christian until you have some actual knowledge of what Christianity is all about.

The ACLU is a Jewish ran organization and they, along with certain other Jewish organizations, (the ADL, for one), are the ones attacking Christianity in the courts, demanding that anything Christian be removed from public display. It was the Jewish ACLU who went to court against prayer in public schools and won. Anything anti-Christ in the courts has Jews at its forefront. These are the Jews you are ranting and raving in favor of. These are the Jews who allow televangelists to use television as a medium to reach people like yourself and convince, people like yourself,that Jews are chosen by God and we should bow at their feet and condemn "antisemitism".

And no, it is not politically correct to hate Jews. Let a politician condemn Jews for what they are and you will quickly see a politician in hot water - boiling hot water. Let that same politician condemn the Pope or the Christ and you will see how quickly his rights to do so are protected. Remember the movie produced and directed by Mel Gibson, "The Passion of The Christ"? Remember how badly that was reviewed by the media and how it was condemned as "antisemitic" because the Jews were portrayed as being responsible for his murder? Now, look at the anti-Christ movies that have been coming out over the last few years. Not a word against them in the main stream media. These movies are made by Jews. And Jews own the mass media.

What is called "antisemitism", (anything that disagrees with Jews or Zionism is considered "antisemitism", even though few Jews are semitic and the majority of the semitic people in this world are the ones often referred to as middle eastern). Yes, Jews have been persecuted throughout the ages. They have been banished from so many countries the number seems unreal. A race or religion does not get banished simply because they/it are hated for their race/religion. They get banished because they do not fit well with others in the host country.

Please, stop trying to connect Jews to Christianity. If you take the time to read the New Testament, Jesus condemned those today known as Jews repeatedly throughout its entirety. He even said that they were not of His Father, but of the devil. Guess you couldn't get any more "antisemitic" than Jesus was. So, if you are trying to save someones soul from hell on here, I suggest you start with your own.

Thank you very much.
Reply Thu 30 Jul, 2009 01:15 pm
Carico;66402 wrote:
Well all is going according to prophesy. And it's been happening at increasing speed in the last decade.

Really? Haven't XChristians been saying that for 200 years? How many people- Nero, Hitler, Bush- have supposedly been 'The Antichrist', now?

God is allowing Satan's servants to call good evil and evil good.

Demonstrate that:
-Your God exists
-Satan Exists and has servants
-'Good' exists
-'Evil' exists
-Satans servants are calling one the other and God is allowing it

He's also allowing them to bring a world-wide movement against the Jews so the nations of the world can go against Israel where God will annihilate them with earthquakes, volcanoes, hail storms and enticing them to turn against each other. Wink

Evidence? Has it ever occurred to you that the reason people dislike Israel is because it's a racist occupying force?

I wondered how this could happen after the holocaust. But I'm learning first-hand how quickly people forget history and repeat it.

Yourself included.

The anti-Christ movement is also in full swing. The only people whom it's politically correct to hate, are Jews and Christians

Really? Actually, that'd be fat White males.

1) Most people deny he will come even though most of the world is not for Christ, but anti-Christ

Actually, most of the world is neither Christian no 'Anti-Christian'; most nof the world practices other religions and make the same claims to truth that you do.

2) Most people call good evil and evil good

Really? Demonstrate that most people do such a thing.

3) Most people think love is allowing them to indulge in their desires which is also what Satan calls love. Wink

Really? You know the thoughts of most people on Earth?

4) Most people deny that Satan exists.

And you deny a personified Ahura Mazda, the truth of Allah, the existence of Karma, the need for Dharma.... according to alm,ost every other religion out there, you're in serious trouble. You have to yet to demonstrate that your claims are any more credible than theirs

5) Most people see nothing wrong with computer chips in the hands

Really? Was there a worldwide poll or something?

so they'll unwittingly be deceived by the mark of the beast.

That does not follow logically
0 Replies
Reply Thu 30 Jul, 2009 01:21 pm
Whip;67131 wrote:
Even Darwin considered his theory, just that, a theory.

You're pretty stupid, aren't you? Evolution is an observed fact. The Theory of Evolution is a theory. It's pretty simple stuff, really.

Unfortunately a large portion of people who disagree with those who believe in Creationism and not bothered to read Darwins theory have decided that evolving from monkeys is the only logical answer since their minds cannot comprehend a possibility of a divine being.

You have that turned around pretty bass-akwards...

They never consider that this planet we call earth was most probably void of anything at one time.

Really? Have you ever read up on the Standard Model? What you just said is false.

Which is totally logical. And if this is the case, where did the first cell come from?

Evolution =/= Abiogenesis

Google is your friend Wink

Where did the second cell come from and how did they join together to create a 'life form'?

Your ignorance is showing... :no:

Going beyond that, how many trillions of years did it take for there to be more than one cell, (created from nothingness)?

I wonder what happens if you Google this stuff... Wink

If anything boggles the mind, that should. Creationism is more logical, in my belief.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 30 Jul, 2009 02:19 pm
You're pretty stupid, aren't you? Evolution is an observed fact. The Theory of Evolution is a theory. It's pretty simple stuff, really.

Are you calling me pretty, (blush). Must be because I definitely am not stupid. And FYI, I am far too masculine to be considered pretty. LOL.

Had you read/comprehended what I wrote you would have quickly noted that I was referring to Darwins THEORY, (with THEORY being typed in bold face). I would not think there a need to reiterate the word THEORY everytime I wrote of evolution in that post.

Really? Have you ever read up on the Standard Model? What you just said is false.

OOPS....You forgot to mention that Standard Model is a THEORY. THEORYS are not considered facts. At best they are fanciful thought. Not a proven science; not considered a possibility or probability because there are few to no links to connect them to reality. REALITY is not connected to THEORY!

Evolution =/= Abiogenesis

Google is your friend

COLLECT $1,000,000

I wonder what happens if you Google this stuff...

For you I would say :ban: Your last try failed you miserably. But, if you win the $1,000,000 cut this board in OK? :rollinglaugh:

I will believe in evolution when a monkey drives up to my door and explains it to me in great detail.
Reply Thu 30 Jul, 2009 05:10 pm
Whip;67145 wrote:
Are you calling me pretty, (blush). Must be because I definitely am not stupid

All evidence to the contrary Wink

Had you read/comprehended what I wrote you would have quickly noted that I was referring to Darwins THEORY,

I know what you said. You tried to pull a Hovind and paint evolution as 'just a theory'. You're a liar- no surprise, seeing as you're a theist- and an idiot- no surprise, as you're a theist.

OOPS....You forgot to mention that Standard Model is a THEORY. THEORYS are not considered facts.

Had you read an understood what I said, and if you weren't a liar, you'd notice that I differentiated between the observed fact of evolution and the Theory of Evolution. It's kinda like the difference between the factual reality of gravity and the numerous theories that seek to explain this observed phenomenon Wink

At best they are fanciful thought.

The fanciful delusion is the god hypothesis, which has not a single shred of evidence to support it and has never even been developed into a theory by any who adore it.

Not a proven science;

All available scientific evidence supports the theory, as anyone who could pass a middle school science quiz would know Wink In fact, modern medicine is based around the verified fact that evolution occurs and has been observed. Ever heard of MRSA?



not considered a possibility or probability because there are few to no links to connect them to reality.

You're either incredibly stupid or a troll. A theory is only a theory if it can adequately explain reality, can make testable, falsifiable predictions, and be falsified if it turns out to be incorrect. Else, it remains a useless hypothesis, much like religion. Hence we have the Theory of Evolution, which seeks to explain the mechanisms behind the fact of evolution, and we have the moronic caveman stories that form the god hypothesis.

Linking to liars who refuse to consider any evidence presented- hosted on Geocities, none the less, does nothing to support your claim or remove the stench of your nature from you. Try finding some sources with a hint of credibility and actually refute the scientific evidence Wink

I will believe in evolution when a monkey drives up to my door and explains it to me in great detail.

Well, here's a chimp driving a Segway and a copy of the phylogenetic tree of life (simplified)

as well as a Gorilla who knows sign language and a link to abook written just for people like you. Go ahead and give us your full name, address, credit card number, confirmation (the last 3-4 numbers on the back) and pin numbers, and a bit of time, and we'll see if we can get Koko, the Segway, the chimp, and the book all delivered to your front door, using your credit card. Wink
0 Replies
Reply Thu 30 Jul, 2009 09:35 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
So how does anything you said prove that the genes from imaginary animals called common ancestors, turned into perfectly formed human genes?:eek: It doesn't any more than the fact that little people exist proves that "Lord of the Rings is True." Laughing Imaginary animals can't breed anything in reality because they come from the imaginations of men.

Anyone can draw a sketch. I can draw a sketch of how aliens turned into people as well. Very Happy That's called artwork, not science. Wink
Reply Fri 31 Jul, 2009 12:03 am
Like "God"?

Fatal Freedoms
Reply Fri 31 Jul, 2009 03:33 am
Whip;67145 wrote:

OOPS....You forgot to mention that Standard Model is a THEORY. THEORYS are not considered facts. At best they are fanciful thought. Not a proven science; not considered a possibility or probability because there are few to no links to connect them to reality. REALITY is not connected to THEORY!

Theories and facts are not rungs in a heirachy of increasing certainty. This notion is false. Nor are facts and theories mutually opposed. We have facts, they are everywhere and they aren't terribly exciting. Theories are that which explain and interpret facts. Theories are the strongest form of explanation in science.

You don't think GERM THEORY is just fanciful thought do you?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 31 Jul, 2009 03:34 am
Carico;67151 wrote:
So how does anything you said prove that the genes from imaginary animals called common ancestors

They didn't come from imaginary beings. You're correct in saying my evidence doesn't state that. The evidence all points to Mankind evolving from real organisms Wink I'd tell you all aobut Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms, but I'm pretty sure your severe mental retardation would prevent your understanding any of it. Suffice to say that if you believe DNA evidence can send someone to prison and determine who a whore's baby's daddy is, you believe in evolution. Wink

turned into perfectly formed human genes?

Do define 'perfect' and bring me someone with 'perfect' DNA? Does that mean they have no Junk DNA or ERVs? We eagerly await your dissertation and tthe conclusions of your research when they are published ina respected scientific journal.

:eek: It doesn't any more than the fact that little people exist proves that "Lord of the Rings is True." Laughing

:rollinglaugh: You just argued that the bible is a pile of **** and you don't even know it ! :rollinglaugh:

I can draw a sketch of how aliens turned into people as well. Very Happy That's called artwork, not science.

Bring your DNA evidence, your fossil evidence, and anything else you have. Present it to Science, Cell- hell, it doesn't even have to be a peer-reviewed journal! Take your fossil and DNA evidence to NAtional Geographic and let us know when we can expect to see it hit the shelves Wink
Reply Fri 31 Jul, 2009 04:04 am

Originally stated by Whip View Post
Are you calling me pretty, (blush). Must be because I definitely am not stupid

All evidence to the contrary

Quit calling me pretty.LOL

I know what you said. You tried to pull a Hovind and paint evolutionas 'just a theory'. You're a liar- no surprise, seeing as you're a theist- and an idiot- no surprise, as you're a theist.

Careful with the names. That's one of two ways to get in trouble here. And I sure wouldn't want to see you get in trouble seeing as how you are an easy win for this "idiot". Might consider proof reading before posting also. Just so you don't look like a babbling idiot.

All available scientific evidence supports the theory, as anyone who could pass a middle school science quiz would know In fact, modern medicine is based around the verified fact that evolution occurs and has been observed. Ever heard of MRSA?

So, now we are going from the evolution of man to the evolution of medicine? Very interesting since there is no connection whatsoever. None. Nada. You see the evolution of medicine is much like the evolution of the automobile. As an example, I'll use Cadillac. Cadillac is said to have evolved as one of Americas finest automobiles from what could almost be called a dinosaur of a motor vehicle into what it is now: A sleeker, more durable and luxurious and dependable mode of transportation. This can be called "manipulated evolution", because it did not change on its own, man changed it. Just as with medicines, automobiles have been manipulated by man, (an intelligent life form), to become something better than they were in their original, man created, state. Medicines do not evolve on their own. Man changes them. He manipulates them into becoming what he wants them to be.He takes something he created and improves upon it. Do you think maybe God did the same with jellyfish to men? Interesting theory. But still just a theory. Just a thought, but do you think the new and improved Tide can someday evolve into a box of Borax?

Unsimplify your "little tree of life" and show me all the stages the jellyfish went through to become insects. Show me which insect they first became. Why hasn't science located any of these 1/2 jellyfish 1/2 insects after all of these years of study? Because they do not exist.

Had me on the one with the primate doing sign language. All this time I thought that was Al Sharpton gaining a higher education. As for him, (the gorilla, not Sharpton....maybe Sharpton too) and your monkey driving a car, that is trained behavior. Can you say that: TRAINED BEHAVIOR. Thank you. That is the same thing as teaching your dog to roll over and play dead - it is trained.

Let me put it to you gently son, if evolution of man were possible, don't you think science could have at least made some little progress in a test tube showing its possibility? I wonder if the cave man believed in evolution. It does make about as much sense as the world being flat.

Carry on sir. I am sure your hatred for a higher power will help you locate some other little piece of "evidence" that evolution of man is a fact.
Reply Fri 31 Jul, 2009 04:17 am
0 Replies
Reply Fri 31 Jul, 2009 09:17 am
Whip;67131 wrote:

Back on topic:

Carico, it would be very nice if you quit posting as a Christian until you have some actual knowledge of what Christianity is all about.

The ACLU is a Jewish ran organization and they, along with certain other Jewish organizations, (the ADL, for one), are the ones attacking Christianity in the courts, demanding that anything Christian be removed from public display. It was the Jewish ACLU who went to court against prayer in public schools and won. Anything anti-Christ in the courts has Jews at its forefront. These are the Jews you are ranting and raving in favor of. These are the Jews who allow televangelists to use television as a medium to reach people like yourself and convince, people like yourself,that Jews are chosen by God and we should bow at their feet and condemn "antisemitism".

And no, it is not politically correct to hate Jews. Let a politician condemn Jews for what they are and you will quickly see a politician in hot water - boiling hot water. Let that same politician condemn the Pope or the Christ and you will see how quickly his rights to do so are protected. Remember the movie produced and directed by Mel Gibson, "The Passion of The Christ"? Remember how badly that was reviewed by the media and how it was condemned as "antisemitic" because the Jews were portrayed as being responsible for his murder? Now, look at the anti-Christ movies that have been coming out over the last few years. Not a word against them in the main stream media. These movies are made by Jews. And Jews own the mass media.

What is called "antisemitism", (anything that disagrees with Jews or Zionism is considered "antisemitism", even though few Jews are semitic and the majority of the semitic people in this world are the ones often referred to as middle eastern). Yes, Jews have been persecuted throughout the ages. They have been banished from so many countries the number seems unreal. A race or religion does not get banished simply because they/it are hated for their race/religion. They get banished because they do not fit well with others in the host country.

Please, stop trying to connect Jews to Christianity. If you take the time to read the New Testament, Jesus condemned those today known as Jews repeatedly throughout its entirety. He even said that they were not of His Father, but of the devil. Guess you couldn't get any more "antisemitic" than Jesus was. So, if you are trying to save someones soul from hell on here, I suggest you start with your own.

Thank you very much.

RAWR!!! thank u damnit!!! :thumbup::thumbup: . Carico.. pay attention to this one!
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