Even Darwin considered his theory, just that, a theory. He never claimed that man evolved from monkeys either. He wasn't stupid and was able to concoct a pretty good
theory. Unfortunately a large portion of people who disagree with those who believe in Creationism and not bothered to read Darwins t
heory have decided that evolving from monkeys is the only logical answer since their minds cannot comprehend a possibility of a divine being. They never consider that this planet we call earth was most probably void of anything at one time. Which is totally logical. And if this is the case, where did the first cell come from? Where did the second cell come from and how did they join together to create a 'life form'? Going beyond that, how many trillions of years did it take for there to be more than one cell, (created from nothingness)? If anything boggles the mind, that should. Creationism is more logical, in my belief.
Back on topic:
Carico;66402 wrote:Well all is going according to prophesy. And it's been happening at increasing speed in the last decade.
God is allowing Satan's servants to call good evil and evil good. He's also allowing them to bring a world-wide movement against the Jews so the nations of the world can go against Israel where God will annihilate them with earthquakes, volcanoes, hail storms and enticing them to turn against each other.
I wondered how this could happen after the holocaust. But I'm learning first-hand how quickly people forget history and repeat it. It was less than 10 years ago that Muslim terrorists attacked our country. Within that time, we have a president with Muslims leanings and people claiming that that the Muslims are good and the Jews don't have a right to defend themselves. So hatred against Israel is happening at alarming speeds.
The anti-Christ movement is also in full swing. The only people whom it's politically correct to hate, are Jews and Christians. But those who want to engage in sexually immoral behavior and reward criminals like illegal aliens are now popular. Sodom and Gomorrah again. But since most people deny the events of Sodom and Gomorrah in the bible, then they're repeated just like anti-Semitism is being repeated.
So God is setting up the world to be deceived by the final anti-Christ who will claim that sin is good and redemption is bad. It won't be hard
at all for him to deceive the world since:
1) Most people deny he will come even though most of the world is not for Christ, but anti-Christ
2) Most people call good evil and evil good
3) Most people think love is allowing them to indulge in their desires which is also what Satan calls love.

4) Most people deny that Satan exists.
5) Most people see nothing wrong with computer chips in the hands so they'll unwittingly be deceived by the mark of the beast.
So all is going according to plan and the end won't be delayed much longer.

Carico, it would be very nice if you quit posting as a Christian until you have some actual knowledge of what Christianity is all about.
The ACLU is a Jewish ran organization and they, along with certain other Jewish organizations, (the ADL, for one), are the ones attacking Christianity in the courts, demanding that anything Christian be removed from public display. It was the Jewish ACLU who went to court against prayer in public schools and won. Anything anti-Christ in the courts has Jews at its forefront. These are the Jews you are ranting and raving in favor of. These are the Jews who allow televangelists to use television as a medium to reach people like yourself and convince, people like yourself,that Jews are chosen by God and we should bow at their feet and condemn "antisemitism".
And no, it is not politically correct to hate Jews. Let a politician condemn Jews for what they are and you will quickly see a politician in hot water - boiling hot water. Let that same politician condemn the Pope or the Christ and you will see how quickly his rights to do so are protected. Remember the movie produced and directed by Mel Gibson, "The Passion of The Christ"? Remember how badly that was reviewed by the media and how it was condemned as "antisemitic" because the Jews were portrayed as being responsible for his murder? Now, look at the anti-Christ movies that have been coming out over the last few years. Not a word against them in the main stream media. These movies are made by Jews. And Jews own the mass media.
What is called "antisemitism", (anything that disagrees with Jews or Zionism is considered "antisemitism", even though few Jews are semitic and the majority of the semitic people in this world are the ones often referred to as middle eastern). Yes, Jews have been persecuted throughout the ages. They have been banished from so many countries the number seems unreal. A race or religion does not get banished simply because they/it are hated for their race/religion. They get banished because they do not fit well with others in the host country.
Please, stop trying to connect Jews to Christianity. If you take the time to read the New Testament, Jesus condemned those today known as Jews repeatedly throughout its entirety. He even said that they were not of His Father, but of the devil. Guess you couldn't get any more "antisemitic" than Jesus was. So, if you are trying to save someones soul from hell on here, I suggest you start with your own.
Thank you very much.