Well all is going according to prophesy. And it's been happening at increasing speed in the last decade.
God is allowing Satan's servants to call good evil and evil good. He's also allowing them to bring a world-wide movement against the Jews so the nations of the world can go against Israel where God will annihilate them with earthquakes, volcanoes, hail storms and enticing them to turn against each other.
I wondered how this could happen after the holocaust. But I'm learning first-hand how quickly people forget history and repeat it. It was less than 10 years ago that Muslim terrorists attacked our country. Within that time, we have a president with Muslims leanings and people claiming that that the Muslims are good and the Jews don't have a right to defend themselves. So hatred against Israel is happening at alarming speeds.
The anti-Christ movement is also in full swing. The only people whom it's politically correct to hate, are Jews and Christians. But those who want to engage in sexually immoral behavior and reward criminals like illegal aliens are now popular. Sodom and Gomorrah again. But since most people deny the events of Sodom and Gomorrah in the bible, then they're repeated just like anti-Semitism is being repeated.
So God is setting up the world to be deceived by the final anti-Christ who will claim that sin is good and redemption is bad. It won't be hard
at all for him to deceive the world since:
1) Most people deny he will come even though most of the world is not for Christ, but anti-Christ
2) Most people call good evil and evil good
3) Most people think love is allowing them to indulge in their desires which is also what Satan calls love.

4) Most people deny that Satan exists.
5) Most people see nothing wrong with computer chips in the hands so they'll unwittingly be deceived by the mark of the beast.
So all is going according to plan and the end won't be delayed much longer.