Numpty;64344 wrote:There is no evidence outside of the Bible to support the existence of Jesus. If you can produce eyewitness accounts of Jesus then I am happy to believe there was a man called jesus.
So far no-one has been able to.
Strange do you not think that there is not one single eyewitness account of the Son of God?
Once you prove there was a man called Jesus, the next step for you is demonstrating him as everything you have stated above.
There is no historical documentation that proves the fact of Jesus' existence with the exception of........
1.) Tacitus {A.D. 56-117} in one of his historically validated writings "Annals", he makes direct mention to the fact and existence of Jesus. In the ANNALS he told of the great fire of Rome, which occurred in A.D. 64. Nero, who was the Roman Emperor in office at the historical point of time, was suspected by many of having ordered the city set afire. Tacitus wrote, "Nero fabricated scapegoats...and punished with every refinement the notoriously depraved Christians (as they were popularly called). THEIR ORIGINATOR, "Christ", had been executed in Tiberius' reign by the governor of Judea, Pontius Pilatus......."
2.) Seutonious {A.D. 120}, mentions Jesus twice in his writing "Claudis"....once in 25:4 in reference to the history documented in Acts 18:2....and once again in his history of "Nero" -- 16:2.
3.) Pliny the Younger {A.D. 110} used the name "Christ" 3 times in making reference to the originator of the "sect" of Jews...known as Christians
4.) Celsus {A.D. 178} in his work "True Discourse"....he argued that Jesus owed his existence to the result of fornication between Mary and a Roman Solider....as he matured he began calling himself God.
5.) Josephus {A.D. 37-100} mentions Jesus twice in his historical accounts of Jerusalem...the first account is in dispute...but never proven invalid in anything other than speculation...with the first mention..the account which is in dispute by the secular humanists because of its direct and graphic description of Jesus is made in his work {Antiquities of the Jews) 18:3:3....and again he also mentions John..the one called the Baptist 18:5:2, strange that it is not in dispute...being found in the exact same Chapter. But this is not the only mention of Jesus as there is another account of Jesus which is undisputed 20:9:1, where he mentions the fact of Jesus being the brother of James.
All of the above are from enemies of the Christ...with one of them being a Jewish historian hired by the Romans to give an accurate account of the Roman Campaign in Jerusalem....Josephus. These are "hostile" witnesses to the fact of Jesus being a real historical figure...but there are also confirmed and validated Historians of the Christian faith that lived and recorded history centuries before any Council of Nicasea in 325 A.D....that make direct mention of Paul's Letters and how they are used as Doctrine in the infant church and the Gospels....the works of Peter, John...James...etc....all making mention of the original manuscripts of the New Testament....HUNDREDS OF YEARS before the secular humanists claim of them being written in the 4th century...which was merely a canon or an alignment of these manuscripts in accepting them or rejecting them due to context and conformation of authorship.
Just a few of these VERY REAL HISTORIANS THAT MENTION...Jesus, and the New Testament Manuscripts.
Papias {A.D. 140}.....Justin Martyr { A.D. 100}.....Irenaeus {A.D. 180}.....The Christian Heretic Tetullian......Origen.....Pantaenus
And of course you are wanting to dismiss a self professed direct "eyewitness" account to the majesty of Jesus....simply because it is recorded in the the Holy Bible....yet you cannot prove this stated eyewitness did not occur. 2 Peter 1:16, "For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, BUT WERE EYEWITNESSES to His majesty."
Strange that you did not mention this eyewitness...can we assume that is simply slipped your mind and was not due to some underlying bigotry presented only in the form of ad hominem argument without any actual facts to debunk this eyewitness account?