@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;66520 wrote:I just explained why. Learn to read.
So you're afraid of Christians who want you to go to heaven. Is that correct? :rollinglaugh:
But you're not afraid of Muslims terrorists whose whole life is spent trying to kill those who don't agree with them.
Unfortunately, you don't know who your friend is and who your enemy is. So you'll reject your friends and consort with your enemy. So since it's
not rational to fear Jesus who died to
save your life(especially if you believe he's imaginary)and consort with the followers of Muhammed want to take the lives of those who disagree with them, then your fear isn't of Christians, it's of eternal condemnation, which we Christians already know.
So instead of befriending your enemy, you would fare better to listen to your friends or your fear of condemnation will become a reality. And that, my friend, is a
fact. :frown: