Pinochet73;51713 wrote:Here's one for you science disciples: How can you prove all your thoughts are correct? I mean all of them? If you can't do it, then by your own logic, I shouldn't listen to a damned thing you have to say here, right?
The same can be said for any belief.
Why do you believe in God? Can you prove everything in your religion to be correct... of course this means all of it.
If you want to see why science says something, look at the research and evidence. We say certain things because that's what the facts and evidence point towards. Science never claims to be unchanging and infallible... things change all the time, new knowledge unlocks previous unknowns and gives us more information on what we already know.
The trick here is that you are trying to hold science on a religious platform. Science needs not be held to such a task. Religion is what claims to be infallible, the word of God is perfect. All science asks is you back up your claims with evidence.
That has yet to be done.
If one small piece of a scientific theory is invalid or needs to be change, such does not invalidate the entire theory. In fact, it makes the theory stronger. However if one piece of a religious text, one which is inspired by a perfect being, is fallible, then the whole thing falls apart.
Religion also has this odd knack of taking a premade conclusion, i.e. God created all, etc etc, and then searching for evidence that points directly to that. Any evidence to the contrary is discredited, thrown out, or twisted to fit the aforementioned premade conclusion. Nothing whatsoever can change the initial conclusion that the whole thing is based upon.
Science has no premade conclusions. They are drawn from the evidence and facts shown and called a theory. All evidence, through peer review, has the ability to change these theories.
Look, I'm really sorry if the story of creation and Genesis doesn't pan out, but them's the breaks. You've gotta let your security blanket go someday.