I agree that this account in the OT seems to portray a violent God. But I still wonder at the accuracy in the translation. And, I also would like to point out that God has always given a consequence for every action. Good or bad.
It's too bad we don't do so now. I watch my 3 year old granddaughter show disrespect to everyone around her because "it's not good parenting" to swat her little butt when she mis-behaves. Time out is only good for so much.
Yeah, I'm a violent old grandma! But, guess what? When I swatted her bottom and set her out in the garage when she was throwing her tantrums her mom was telling me that my granddaughter would never like me again. So, when it was time for dinner I brought her in and sat her at the table and she was doing everything she could to make Grandma like her!