@Truth Re-Minder,
[QUOTE='Truth' Re-Minder;27297]You don't know what Jesus said, none of us do.
Be careful with the prophecies, remember John was very angry at Rome and that anger skewed his channel of divine insight. These things must be considered when reading the Bible.
I too have received messages from God/dess and Jesus. Jesus never speaks in words with me though, as his 'supposed' words have been so misused and misunderstood. He is always silent, but smiling. He nods or shakes his head when I ask him questions and receive his impressions.
Please consider the enormous role our perception plays in interpreting reality. I am not denying your experience at all, but just because what you experienced was real, dosen't mean it was real in the ways you think. These things take great honesty and soul-searching to uncover, and a complete willingness to release personal convictions and beliefs as they always skewer perception, and therefore experience.
But I to have encountered demons. I 'accindently' summoned one when I was a minister, but that is another subject I would like to discuss with you.
Yes, and the method's it has used in 'moralizing' and 'civilizing' the world have made it the most evil force the world has ever known. A force we would all have been far better off without weeps. Jesus has weep far more then ever did on the cross, by witnessing how his misled followers have caused so much pain and misery in his name. Only recently are we beginning to return to his original vision.[/QUOTE]
Could you tell me where you got the information that stated that John was angery with Rome ?
And could you tell me what makes you think his divine insite was skewed ?
And true followers of Christ have from the beginning pointed the world to the only way of salvation. There have been many who have claimed to be Christians, yet even Jesus said Himself, "many will worship me with their lips, yet their hearts are far from me." Giving Christ lip service, does not make one a follower of Christ.