@Greatest I am cv,
In religious mythology, Satan is symbolic of the human mind. It belongs to this physical realm and is spiritually blind. It protects it's own individuality at the expense of becoming limited in perception. It "fell" from omniscience, not heaven.
Thinking is not required in omniscience, as it goes around the mental processes. You "see" rather than think. You see with the heart. Don't get hung up on definition here. I'm talking about your "higher" nature. The ability to feel. The mind makes it sit in the passenger seat for the most part.
Hell, is anything the mind can't figure out. "God" being the most tormenting of all.
It hears stories here in this world. Stories from beyond...
It prompts the mind to inquire further. A spiritual path always begins as a mental question.
Long and dusty road ahead, but at the end of it, all questions cease.