@Fatal Freedoms,
Now you've gone into the realm of circular argument.
Like a dog chasing it's tail, there's alot of activity but very little progress.
Logic belongs to the mind. To thinkers, philosophers. You know... those people that can't get into heaven.
I'm incredibly poor in math. You can get an idea of how important logic is to me then. Like a blind person who has developed a profound sense of hearing, my sense of intuitive knowing has been amplified in compensation. I "feel", where other people think.
People seem to think that holy men are supposed to sit under a tree and entertain others with witty sayings. May be true for some. But at no time is the ego made to go away. Nor is free will compromised. The ego is a needful thing. You cannot engage or interact with the human world without it. But as I said above, it's also the problem. It's the clog in your spiritual plumbing.
I have to interact with you on a human level, therefore the human typing this functions as a go between. The difference between me and most others is the fact is I'm not bound to the ego as my sole identity. But I do have to rely on it to translate what I have to say. The ego will always give it a personal flavor. The strengths and weaknesses I have as a person will affect how I'm seen in that delivery.
Ego is kept on a short leash. Allowed to walk and play in the world, but with restrictions. It is a living thing and has to be cared for like a child or pet. But in my kingdom, it knows it's place and acts as humble servant rather than drunk taskmaster.
When you come to understand the nature of reality, the ego surrenders in face of a superior power. It gladly serves in it's new capacity as co-pilot. Better to serve in heaven...
This all happens as belief and attraction to this world begin to lessen. The ego has no job in the spiritual realms, so it slides out of the driver's seat so that the higher self can finish the journey.
Ego falls away at death as does the rest of human identity, but the conscious energy that powered it continues. No such thing as death. This belongs to the human world only. Reincarnating time and time again.
Eternal life occurs when that cycle has been broken.
Now you're just a radiant soul again. Your true nature. With the whole kingdom stretched out before you.