Will your God have a New name at End Time?

Reply Fri 17 Aug, 2007 09:09 am
westernmom;31383 wrote:
You've really had some bad experiences, haven't you? Like I said, maybe we can learn to be tolerant but it has to go both ways. You respect me and I respect you. I realize that respect needs to be earned but sometimes it's better to just show it first and hope the other is deserving.

It's not only Christians that aren't tolerant of those things. Have you ever lived in a Muslim country? See how far your thinking gets you there. Be glad you live in a Christian society or you wouldn't be voicing your opinion quite so loudly.

Also, with the ACLU around how can a homosexual be fired from a job for just that reason these days? Now, maybe he was late for work, stealing, lazy, etc.

No only in the state of washington right now it is a law that you cannot fire someone for merely being a homosexual. In every other state a homosexual or transexual can be fired because they are open about who they are and in the military they also have to hide who they are. The only reason Christians or muslims do this is because of the bible. The mere reason gallilo was put to death is because he said the earth was round because the bible claimed it was flat. The reason why American condoned slavery for so long was because the bible said it was acceptable. Witches were burned at that stake and pursecuted because of the bible.

How long are we going to continue to use the fallicies and the immorality in that book to condone and justify discrimination and persecution.

I am sorry if I am angry. I am tired of people believing the same old hogwash and using that book to tell everyone else they are going to burn in hell or this end of days crap to scare people into coming to that religion. You are threatening peoples soul that if you do not do what this BOOK claims will happen you will killed,maimed and tortured. It is nonsense and it is not ethical. A person should gravitate to your religion because it makes you a good person not because it will save your soul!!! There is no honor is being good just to save your soul.

I have had hard time with christians they have called me unamerican, unpatriatic, satans daughter(because I protect wiccans), welfare whore(because I use to be on wefare),pyschobitch and skitzo (because of my PTSD disability), victim mentality(because I talk openly about my disability), and much more and every word of those things always comes out of conservative christians. Never has a democrat or an agnostic or atheist ever said such cruel things to me.

Yeah it is about respect and when your religions says for you to go out and tell others to do what the bible says because it is your job that is disrespectful. No one wants to hear about your religion unless they ask. People are tired of Mormans, Christians, Muslim, Jahovah witnesses alway going around pushing their religion in our faces. If we want our souls threateden by your religion we will go to church!!

I never see a Buddhist, Hindu, Wiccan or even Jews shoving their religion in other peoples faces. They are respectful.

It is about respect and when someone sits there and claims yours soul is in danger at the end of days? That is not respectful. How arragant for someone to claim he knows for sure what will happen to my soul if I do what I choose on this earth because this book says so??

A book that got a man killed for saying the world is flat, a book who condoned the enlsavement of blacks, a book that committed genicide on witches?? a book that says it is acceptable to sell your daughter to your neighbors.

No one has the right to threaten someones soul!! to use people supersitions as leverage to control them.

This is not respect and I am not going to respect anyone who shoves religion in my face or use terrorist tactics to force me to go to a religion. Terrorist threaten people to do what they want. Terrorist threaten to take the most precious thing away from you if you do not do what you are told (your life) the bible uses the same tactics( your soul).

It is offensive to anyone non-christian and I have a right to be offensive back.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Aug, 2007 09:19 am
Drnaline;31378 wrote:
Very tolerant of you.

See this is what i have a problem with. YOu harrassed me before and you have said some very bad things to me that are considered personal attacks and I tried to block you but because you are a moderator I could not block you. I also couldn't turn you in for abuse.

You never say anything meaningful to me you only say stuff to get me all upset and riled up because you have a problem with me being a democrat and non christian.

You better leave me alone and stop trolling after me. YOu got it!! because I will turn you in. This time and I know who to talk to this time to turn in your abuse.

I suggest you stay off by back unless you have something revelant to say.
Reply Fri 17 Aug, 2007 09:53 am
STNGfan;31518 wrote:
See this is what i have a problem with. YOu harrassed me before and you have said some very bad things to me that are considered personal attacks and I tried to block you but because you are a moderator I could not block you. I also couldn't turn you in for abuse.

You never say anything meaningful to me you only say stuff to get me all upset and riled up because you have a problem with me being a democrat and non christian.

You better leave me alone and stop trolling after me. YOu got it!! because I will turn you in. This time and I know who to talk to this time to turn in your abuse.

I suggest you stay off by back unless you have something revelant to say.

See this is what i have a problem with. YOu harrassed me before and you have said some very bad things to me that are considered personal attacks and I tried to block you but because you are a moderator I could not block you.
I guess you would choose to sensor me. It is not ok if someone makes an observation about you without you taking offence? Just because you consider them attacks does not make them so. Why block me, all you have to do is stop reading my posts?
I also couldn't turn you in for abuse.
Email is a good source for communication.
You never say anything meaningful to me you only say stuff to get me all upset and riled up because you have a problem with me being a democrat and non christian.
Why does it have to be meaningful to you? So you want to prescreen my posts? If reading my posts upsets you maybe you shouldn't read them. I care not what your political affiliation is, or if you are a person of faith. What i do disagree with is for some reason you think you can come on this forum and say what ever you want regardless of how it makes others feel. But when some one says things you don't agree with all of the sudden it's an attack. You have said some pretty messed up thing IMO so preaching to the quire is a waist of your time.
You better leave me alone and stop trolling after me.
The world can't protect you from freedom of speech. So my answer would be no.
You got it!! because I will turn you in.
Nope. Turn away. While your at it have them remove my duties as a mod and see if my opinion changes.
This time and I know who to talk to this time to turn in your abuse.
I'll be waiting there correspondence.
I suggest you stay off by back unless you have something revelant to say.
When did you get promoted to the person who decides what's relevant? Back off? Not a chance. I will not let my opinion be hindered by my free duty to moderating. I do it of my own freewill which can change but i guarantee you this, my opinion will not change and you will not sensor it!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Aug, 2007 10:00 am
@Greatest I am cv,
They are right there in front of my face. I should be able to block you because you suck as a moderator. You are bias and you treat different people in different ways. You have the power to punish people you don't like base soley on the fact you do not like them. YOu abuse your power and you are unfit to be a moderator of this board!! When you block the post I cannot read your content. I should be able to do this if I feel you are abusive but you know you are protected because of your power.

You abuse your power and I wont put up with it. You are now harrassing me and I have asked you to stop and you refuse to. You only say things to me to upset me for me to backlash and then you have a reason to ban me or whatever. I am copying and pasting this post and any post you make to me after this to prove you continue to harass me. YOu do not want to say your opinion here. You want to push my buttons and this is harassment.YOu objective is malicious in nature because I am a non-christian and Democrat which is discrmination.

I will ask you once again to discontinue to repsond to my post since I am not allowed to block you.

I will not tolerate your harassment!!! YOU GOT IT!!
Reply Fri 17 Aug, 2007 10:45 am
@Greatest I am cv,

I notice in your tirade you forget to bring up many other non-Christian religions that aren't so tolerant and respectful. Such as Muslim's. Why not rail on them as well?

I know many Christians would say, "Oh you poor dear, I will pray for you." Not I. I do feel bad because you are a product of your up-bringing. But, if you want help you have to help yourself.

You say Christians are always calling you names, etc and no one else ever has - even democrats! That's quite a statement. I don't condone anyone calling another person names for any reason. But, if your attitude is a belligerent to the people around you as it seems to be on this board I can see why you would run into negative situations. You seem to have a real chip on your shoulder and use a lot of name calling yourself and seem to be very confrontational.

I look at your posts and see how many curse words you use in your conversations about religion and wonder how you are to talk to in person? I don't think I would enjoy the conversation.

What might seem hogwash to you is gospel to me. How would you feel if I went on a tirade about Wiccan's like you have done about Christians? Maybe I think that is hogwash but I would never be so disrespectful to you to say that. If it's something you believe then I wouldn't scream in your face about it being hogwash because it isn't to you.

You can't even have a decent debate about points of religion because you are so prejudiced in your beliefs and so unaccepting of what others believe. You rant and rave about what I believe and scream and yell about how it's so wrong and won't even give me a chance to show you a different perspective of a person of faith. Tolerance? You have no idea of the meaning of the word.

I find learning about another person's beliefs interesting. You should never have to defend your way of thinking. But you shouldn't be so offensive to others in their ways. Just believe the way you want and let others follow their own path, heart, belief, etc. I think you are the most prejudiced person I have encountered in a long time.

Having had bad encounters in the past doesn't justify your behavior in the present.
Reply Fri 17 Aug, 2007 12:37 pm

I notice in your tirade you forget to bring up many other non-Christian religions that aren't so tolerant and respectful. Such as Muslim's. Why not rail on them as well?

I do have a problem muslims see other topics such as "Catholic preist say just call God Allah" and "Christian to atheist to Islam"and you will see I am just as hard on Islam if not harder than on Christianity.

I know many Christians would say, "Oh you poor dear, I will pray for you." Not I. I do feel bad because you are a product of your up-bringing. But, if you want help you have to help yourself.

Ha I knew you would use that against me. Honey my husband makes 80,000 dollars a year and works for Microsoft and is a christian. I am full time college for a Batchelors Degree in Business Administration which I am making a 3.1 GPA while disabled with a mental Illness. I am working on setting up my own business designing and selling Swovorski Crystal Jewerly. I have an IQ of 130. IF you think for one second I am sitting around doing nothing all day and sulking your dead wrong. I have everything I want in life but I am not going to sit around and have people emotionally abuse non-christians into threatening with the death of their soul to force them into converting to Christianity or make them feel guilty for being non-christian.

You say Christians are always calling you names, etc and no one else ever has - even democrats! That's quite a statement. I don't condone anyone calling another person names for any reason. But, if your attitude is a belligerent to the people around you as it seems to be on this board I can see why you would run into negative situations. You seem to have a real chip on your shoulder and use a lot of name calling yourself and seem to be very confrontational.

I have never called anyone here a name. I have called God a serial killer, a mass murder, and a pychopath because I happen to believe it is true but I have never called anyone specifically here a name? My husband is christian and he and I never have a problem. He knows everything I think about Christianity but he also knows I do not mean the moderates only the supremist and the extremist. If you are not either of these things you have no reason to be offended but for you to refuse that over half of the religios followers of Christians fall under 'Extremist and Supremisist" You are lying to yourself and others.

I look at your posts and see how many curse words you use in your conversations about religion and wonder how you are to talk to in person? I don't think I would enjoy the conversation.
I do not have problem with Buddhism, Hinduism, Wiccans or Jews. So do not try to make it out that I hate religion itself. I don't I think some religions like Christianity and Islam are too big for their britches and need to be taken down a knot. They abuse their authority over others and supress minor religions. Christian fear Witches so much than when they open a new church or hand out balloons with pentagrams on it they file complaints to the point of harassment. Buddhist are harassed by Christains, Hindu s are harassed, Agnotic and Atheiest are harassed. I am tired of putting up with watching them treat others like crap and I am not going to put up with it anymore. THIS IS NOT "CHRISTIAN NATION!!" This is a "FREEDOM OF RELIGION" country and I will yell stomp and scream until someone reads that freakn constitution right and stops trying to shove this Christian notion idea in everyones face. YOu do not own this country!!! All religions own this country. GET OVER IT!!

What might seem hogwash to you is gospel to me. How would you feel if I went on a tirade about Wiccan's like you have done about Christians? Maybe I think that is hogwash but I would never be so disrespectful to you to say that. If it's something you believe then I wouldn't scream in your face about it being hogwash because it isn't to you.

Hey I am only putting it out there it goes both ways. Christians for centuries have demonized wiccan and witches. The poor people cannot go out and hand out pentagrams to people because everyone thinks they are satan worshippers. I am only leveling the playing field. When wiccans can go out there and open up churches without people trying to burn it down, hand out balloons with pentagrams on it to young children just as christians can do freely with the cross on it. I will shut my mouth. Until things are equal I will be out there pointing out the faults of your faith and Islam until there it true equality for all religious faiths.

You can't even have a decent debate about points of religion because you are so prejudiced in your beliefs and so unaccepting of what others believe. You rant and rave about what I believe and scream and yell about how it's so wrong and won't even give me a chance to show you a different perspective of a person of faith. Tolerance? You have no idea of the meaning of the word.

I have meet nice christians. YOu know who they are.. working as social workers, in mental health fields and homeless shelters. They are compassionate , tolerant and understanding and love you if you are wiccan, hindu, athiest or agnostic. They are not on message boards telling people they will burn in hell if they don't accept Jesus as their personal savior or doomed to the end of times. YOu might be tolerant but you are about 1/4 of what the rest of christians are about. Your kidding yourself if you think your religion fosters love, compassion and tolerance because more of you than not are terrible people.

I find learning about another person's beliefs interesting. You should never have to defend your way of thinking. But you shouldn't be so offensive to others in their ways. Just believe the way you want and let others follow their own path, heart, belief, etc. I think you are the most prejudiced person I have encountered in a long time.

IF I am prejudiced it because your religion made me that way. Obviously I have ran into enough abusive people from your religion to make me feel most of you are this way. I have run into more nasty christians than I have run into nice christians and that is before I open my mouth. You can't admit just like the Muslims can't admit that your religion has been hijacked by extremist who are abusive to others and makes a bad name for your religon. Again my husband is christian. I love him very much and have no problem with him having god and jesus in his heart but he has never once said I had to believe the way he does for him to love me. He has never once said I could not call god a serial killer, rapist, and mass murderer and yes I call him a rapist. He in impregnanted Mary without her concent!! That is rape!!
He is a true moderate christian and accepts the bible is failable and he is reasonable. He does not think his religion is better than mine and does not tell me how to believe.

Having had bad encounters in the past doesn't justify your behavior in the present.

What bad behavior?? THinking for myself. Calling god what he is?? I never said all christians are bad. I said most? What you consider bad behavior I call the truth and standing up for justice of non-believers from bullies of Christian and Islamist supremists.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Aug, 2007 01:08 pm
@Greatest I am cv,

I'm glad that you are doing well for yourself. I guess I just have a hard time debating points with a person who continually uses abusive language while supposedly debating. With an IQ of 130 you should be able to state your ideas without doing so. Also be able to spell a little better.... My point in that statement was that I really don't care if you help yourself or not. It's up to you, not me.

Also, who are all of these people who are shoving religion down your throat constantly? If a missionary knocks on your door, don't answer or just tell them no thanks and to leave. If a religious program comes on tv that you don't agree with, shut it off. If a person is running for office on Christian values, don't vote for him. You have the power over your own life to do these things.

We may not be a Christian "nation" but we are a Christian culture. It's the non-Christians that are trying to force their attitudes on us! I personally don't believe in the Cross as a symbol of Christianity but I am not offended by it being on display in public places. Nor am I offended by other religious symbols as long as they are all treated with respect.

If the majority of the people vote against gay marriage, so be it. If you want gay marriage move to Canada. Heck, we can't even say a Christian prayer in school these days but other religions of the world can be represented.

Just to clarify a point: My religion has been persecuted for over 150 years. My husbands ancestors were tarred and feathered, maimed, killed, driven from their homes, and many other atrocities. We still experience hatred today. We are often told that we are a cult and that we aren't Christians. Do we hate other Christians for doing so? No. Do we rail at God for not protecting us? No. It just makes me want to be more tolerant of everyone else.

Men who have evil in their hearts will commit evil acts. It's not God's fault.
Reply Fri 17 Aug, 2007 01:56 pm
westernmom;31590 wrote:

I'm glad that you are doing well for yourself. I guess I just have a hard time debating points with a person who continually uses abusive language while supposedly debating. With an IQ of 130 you should be able to state your ideas without doing so. Also be able to spell a little better.... My point in that statement was that I really don't care if you help yourself or not. It's up to you, not me.

Also, who are all of these people who are shoving religion down your throat constantly? If a missionary knocks on your door, don't answer or just tell them no thanks and to leave. If a religious program comes on tv that you don't agree with, shut it off. If a person is running for office on Christian values, don't vote for him. You have the power over your own life to do these things.

We may not be a Christian "nation" but we are a Christian culture. It's the non-Christians that are trying to force their attitudes on us! I personally don't believe in the Cross as a symbol of Christianity but I am not offended by it being on display in public places. Nor am I offended by other religious symbols as long as they are all treated with respect.

If the majority of the people vote against gay marriage, so be it. If you want gay marriage move to Canada. Heck, we can't even say a Christian prayer in school these days but other religions of the world can be represented.

Just to clarify a point: My religion has been persecuted for over 150 years. My husbands ancestors were tarred and feathered, maimed, killed, driven from their homes, and many other atrocities. We still experience hatred today. We are often told that we are a cult and that we aren't Christians. Do we hate other Christians for doing so? No. Do we rail at God for not protecting us? No. It just makes me want to be more tolerant of everyone else.

Men who have evil in their hearts will commit evil acts. It's not God's fault.

You are Mormon or Jahovahs witness? I had no idea I thought you were and evangialist, babtist or something.

Spelling has nothing to do with IQ. IQ is not the same as education. While I have higher education skills I do have loop holes and my PTSD makes me very impulsive so I do not take the time to use a spell checker. Someone can be very uneducated and have a high IQ. However a better education will increase your IQ considerable. I have loop holes in my education because when I was abused as a child my frontal lobe of the brain had shut down and I could not retain information. I literally could not learn like other children and was in a way brain damaged only the primitive part of the brain was active to survive. Later in life after I got some therapy and help with medication my brain is beginning to function again and new pathways are being formed to be able to absorb information better. In college we have an automatic spell checker that pops up before you post.

Look I have no problem with someone saying "I believe this" but just telling everyone the end of times "will "come and you "are" doomed is abusive this is what I am so upset about. Scaring people into believing your way. No one can prove there is an "end of times" "soul" or "god and hell" so I think it is unacceptable to play it off as absolute proof.

If someone wants to say "In my belief system" this will happen. OK but people going around trying to spook unbeleivers set me off it is emotional extortion and it is unethical.

Anyway I am sorry you got caught in the cross fire. I do not mean to say anything mean to nice people. I am just so used to being attacked for not going with the flow or conforming to others beliefs. Seriuosly I am not joking 7/10 christian will attack me just because I say I am wiccan or practice witchcraft when I have said nothing negative about Christians. If I choose Agnostic or Atheist it is the same thing.

So I am defensive. I have learned to keep my gaurd up. After getting hit over the head over and over again by the same group of people you tend to automatically be defensive when you hear the word Christian.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Aug, 2007 02:40 pm
@Greatest I am cv,

I do understand a little about some of your mental disorder. Anyway as much as an outside person can. We adopted a little girl that was 3 1/2 years old and had seen more in those 3 years than all of my other kids put together. She has a myriad of problems because of it. Now she is a beautiful 24 year old mom but still has to deal with her emotional trauma every day and a ton of insecuries. It really wasn't very nice of me to bring up the spelling...

I "made friends" with a Wiccan from Florida a couple of years ago on a forum. It was surprising how much we really had in common even though we were so different in our thinking. I'm LDS (Morman). Now, there's some different concepts for some!

Let's agree to disagree. Like I said before, I like learning about other ideas and am open to learning about other cultures and beliefs. Share away!
Reply Fri 17 Aug, 2007 03:06 pm
westernmom;31607 wrote:

I do understand a little about some of your mental disorder. Anyway as much as an outside person can. We adopted a little girl that was 3 1/2 years old and had seen more in those 3 years than all of my other kids put together. She has a myriad of problems because of it. Now she is a beautiful 24 year old mom but still has to deal with her emotional trauma every day and a ton of insecuries. It really wasn't very nice of me to bring up the spelling...

I "made friends" with a Wiccan from Florida a couple of years ago on a forum. It was surprising how much we really had in common even though we were so different in our thinking. I'm LDS (Morman). Now, there's some different concepts for some!

Let's agree to disagree. Like I said before, I like learning about other ideas and am open to learning about other cultures and beliefs. Share away!

Sounds good Smile
and I am sorry your religion is discriminated against too. I have heard a lot about your religion some good and some bad but I have never met a bad mormon. I might think their belief system is out of the norm but I do not think the do anything wrong. I get really upset that people keep picking on Romney because he is mormon. They keep bringing up his religion and I think it is discrimination and I do not know why he does not say what the media is doing is discrimination. No one keeps harping on Clintion, or anyone else for being christian. Even though I am not republican; I am tempted to vote for Romney just to prove you do not have to be a "mainstream" christian to be a good president.

I have heard they are one the best religions for family values that they spend a lot of time with their children and family games and events. There is a lot of love and acceptance and emotional support of their children.

Many people use the sam curse thing against you. Something your church out grown but the same people pointing their fingers have a bible in their hand that says slavery is acceptable. Same with polgamy not so long ago christians were also polygamist. Most of the moral leaders in the bible had multiple wives.

I listen to none of this because I know that this is not the things you practice now and I really do not have any problem with polgiamy as long as I can have multiple husbands. Having more than one mate is not what is unacceptable to me is that only men can have many women but women have share the same man.

If women could have multiple husbands I would be all for it Smile
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Aug, 2007 03:32 pm
@Greatest I am cv,
Oh my gosh, I couldn't handle more that one husband. Even though he's a good one. Well, let's think about this.... One to do the laundry, one to do the yard work, one to do the honey-do's around the house, one to wash my car (and vacumn it), and then that leaves one that's not too tired for........

Actually there was a very practical side of polygamy. As so many of the men were being persecuted, killed, and just died from disease and hardships, it left many women without husbands to care for them. This way they had a whole family unit to belong to. And, life was extremely hard for the pioneer women and this gave them extra help with everything. Only about 5% of the members actually practiced polygamy.

Could I really do it? I don't know. It would certainly be a test of my faith. But, as the first wife, I would have to approve of the choice first!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Aug, 2007 03:39 pm
STNGfan;31531 wrote:
They are right there in front of my face. I should be able to block you because you suck as a moderator. You are bias and you treat different people in different ways. You have the power to punish people you don't like base soley on the fact you do not like them. YOu abuse your power and you are unfit to be a moderator of this board!! When you block the post I cannot read your content. I should be able to do this if I feel you are abusive but you know you are protected because of your power.

You abuse your power and I wont put up with it. You are now harrassing me and I have asked you to stop and you refuse to. You only say things to me to upset me for me to backlash and then you have a reason to ban me or whatever. I am copying and pasting this post and any post you make to me after this to prove you continue to harass me. YOu do not want to say your opinion here. You want to push my buttons and this is harassment.YOu objective is malicious in nature because I am a non-christian and Democrat which is discrmination.

I will ask you once again to discontinue to repsond to my post since I am not allowed to block you.

I will not tolerate your harassment!!! YOU GOT IT!!

They are right there in front of my face. I should be able to block you because you suck as a moderator.
Like i said, when you see a post by me just go right on by.
You are bias and you treat different people in different ways.
And you don't?
You have the power to punish people you don't like base soley on the fact you do not like them.
Yes i do have the power, now prove i do as you say and you have a case.
YOu abuse your power and you are unfit to be a moderator of this board!!
In your opinion, not mine.
When you block the post I cannot read your content. I should be able to do this if I feel you are abusive but you know you are protected because of your power.
Simple solution, don't read my posts.
You abuse your power and I wont put up with it. You are now harrassing me and I have asked you to stop and you refuse to.
God i love this country.
You only say things to me to upset me for me to backlash and then you have a reason to ban me or whatever.
Have i banned you before? Have i disciplined you before or even given you a warning? What do you base this assumption on, strictly opinion?
I am copying and pasting this post and any post you make to me after this to prove you continue to harass me.
Hope you have alot of memory, or paper. I reply to what i wish.
YOu do not want to say your opinion here. You want to push my buttons and this is harassment.YOu objective is malicious in nature because I am a non-christian and Democrat which is discrmination.
Keep dreaming, maybe one day it will be true.
I will ask you once again to discontinue to repsond to my post since I am not allowed to block you.
You can ask but i think you already know my answer by the making of this post?
I will not tolerate your harassment!!! YOU GOT IT!
I understand you completely, i just choose to do otherwise. Getting it does not mean you will get your way YOU GOT IT!!!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Aug, 2007 03:45 pm
westernmom;31535 wrote:

I notice in your tirade you forget to bring up many other non-Christian religions that aren't so tolerant and respectful. Such as Muslim's. Why not rail on them as well?

I know many Christians would say, "Oh you poor dear, I will pray for you." Not I. I do feel bad because you are a product of your up-bringing. But, if you want help you have to help yourself.

You say Christians are always calling you names, etc and no one else ever has - even democrats! That's quite a statement. I don't condone anyone calling another person names for any reason. But, if your attitude is a belligerent to the people around you as it seems to be on this board I can see why you would run into negative situations. You seem to have a real chip on your shoulder and use a lot of name calling yourself and seem to be very confrontational.

I look at your posts and see how many curse words you use in your conversations about religion and wonder how you are to talk to in person? I don't think I would enjoy the conversation.

What might seem hogwash to you is gospel to me. How would you feel if I went on a tirade about Wiccan's like you have done about Christians? Maybe I think that is hogwash but I would never be so disrespectful to you to say that. If it's something you believe then I wouldn't scream in your face about it being hogwash because it isn't to you.

You can't even have a decent debate about points of religion because you are so prejudiced in your beliefs and so unaccepting of what others believe. You rant and rave about what I believe and scream and yell about how it's so wrong and won't even give me a chance to show you a different perspective of a person of faith. Tolerance? You have no idea of the meaning of the word.

I find learning about another person's beliefs interesting. You should never have to defend your way of thinking. But you shouldn't be so offensive to others in their ways. Just believe the way you want and let others follow their own path, heart, belief, etc. I think you are the most prejudiced person I have encountered in a long time.

Having had bad encounters in the past doesn't justify your behavior in the present.

You put it a lot more eloquent then i would. But you hit it right on the head. Thanks ma. In his head i'm sure we are the intolerant.
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