@Greatest I am cv,
I cannot remember the movie but here is a quote from it.
"When something Good happens, Its gods will, when something bad happens, Well God works in mysterious ways."
Where is the acountability of God.
Recently in Illinois a 5 year old girl was found bleeding and nearly ripped in half (Metaphoric ripping in half) she had to Doctors best guess been raped for several hours.
Here is a problem, Alll you god fearing folks KNOW that god is all powerful.
Why the **** didnt that faggot stop this?
If you say free will, i say **** off, why? Because Why would god allow THAT kind of free will happen to a 5 year old kid?
If you say it was satans doing, then are you saying God cant stop satans work?
End of message here, IF that is your god, **** you ALL you can keep him.
(This is possibly banning material here, if its the case take care everyone)