Silverchild79;44387 wrote:simply amazing, You will not accept a viewpoint which forsakes everything except what we have learned through hundreds of years of discovery and you will only place your trust in that which has looked away for all those hundred of years...
do you not see the folly in this? Whatever the "path" is it can only be found with your eyes open
You may have noticed I have stopped debating Mr.Campbell and The Sword of God. Their beliefs are repugnant to most thinking people including Christians and Muslims. They are a waste of time for others and sadly, for themselves.
A good debate however can be had with others who believe in creation by an intelligent being but eschew the nonsense of a young world. Here are some conclusions:
- Young world = nonsense.
- Biblical prophecies = nonsense.
- Koran prophecies = nonsense.
- Bible & Koran as historical documents of their time = okay.
- Man & dinosaurs lived together = nonsense.
- The flood = did happen at the end of ice age 10000 years ago.
- Noah & Ark = myth similar to Gilgamesh (Sumerian) and Manu (Indian) flood myths. So similar that it could even shake a Campbell awake if he choose to educate himself and read something other than his scriptures.
- The Creationist argument that DNS is a language and so has its origins in an intelligent being = something that is worthy of investigation. The evolutionists cannot simply dismiss that. Now I have worked through it and side with the scientists but nevertheless, there is room for debate.
- The Creationist argument for Intelligent Design by eliminating chance through small probabilities = again, a good argument that needs to be properly refuted by the evolutionists.
So where are we then? We can either waste our time with the stupidites associated with a Campbell and a Sword of God (same difference) or we can do some serious work and focus on the intelligent arguments from both sides. The whole purpose here is to educate ourselves. That ain't going to happen in the to&fro with the fundamentalists.