@Truth Re-Minder,
[QUOTE='Truth' Re-Minder;27185]Not neccessarily. The oldest Bible only dates to the early 4th century, the Codex Sinaticus. Its a huge logical leap to assume what was written in the Bible we have today was the same as what was on those fragments when they were whole, especially if one considers the many rejected and oppressed gospels and early Christian writtings. In truth it is a more logical assumption to conclude that what was originally written was in fact in direct contradiction to the first canonizied Bible, as It was not put together by the 'Hand of God' nor did it 'Fall from Heaven', but was administered by men and politications wholelly ignorant of the spiritual realities, and higher truth's their greedy and patricarchial minds could not comprehend.
And the common theme of the mostly Gnostic opposition, oppossed hierarchy of any kind, which I believe is far closer to what Jesus intended then the Christianity we have today. But to those who assume they knew what Jesus wanted editted the Bible to support their one-sided patriarchial theocracy, and destroyed the 'heretical' oppisition. How could any truth-seeker not question the real motives of the early church, especailly when it used oppression, book-burning, and genocide to spread its version of the gospel, and established power over the the western world? And since all sebsequent christian movements and denomination's are based upon such faulty foundations, they are just as suspect as well as the supposed infallibility of the Bible.[/QUOTE]
The Gnostic Gospels were written over 200 years after the death of Christ. The first century fragments agree with the Bible we have today. And since the Majority Text numbers in the thousands of copies from so many time periods, and so many countries, its doubtful that any one group could of rewritten them all, and got them all to agree with one groups slant on things.
Also the New Testament is filled with detailed prophecies, and as a proof of authorship, it should be pointed out that all of these prophecies agree with the prophecies of the Old Testament. Now if you want to believe in an account that was written 200 years after the death of Christ, thats your choice. Yet First century accounts that are believed to be eyewitiness accounts should give you a more accurate picture. I would also say there are manuscrips of certain books of the Bible that were written long before an organized church was even in existance. And these manuscripts agree with the Scriptures. It is also doubtful that God could not get His Book together until the Gospel of Judas came to light in 1970. To believe that you would have to believe it was tought luck for the previous 49 generations. God could speak the universe into existance, He just could not get His Book published.