Muhammad the Prophet of Islam was a Rapist

Reply Fri 4 May, 2007 02:04 pm
Here is one story of how Muhammad could not restrain his sex drive. This is the story about how a beautiful 17 year old Jewish girl became Muhammad's wife.

Safiyah was seventeen and very beautiful when Muslims killed her father, husband and many of her relatives. In the same day the Prophet of Allah wanted to sleep with her. Here is the exact text of the story.

[INDENT]“And all married women (are forbidden unto you) save those (captives) whom your right hands possess…”(Q. 4:24 )

Tabari VIII:116/Ishaq:511

“So Muhammad began seizing their herds and their property bit by bit. He conquered Khaybar home by home. The first stronghold defeated was Naim. Next was Qamus, the community of Abi Huqayq. The Messenger took some of its people captive, including Safiyah bt. Huyayy, the wife of Kinanah and her two cousins. The Prophet chose Safiyah for himself.”

Tabari VIII:117

“Dihyah had asked the Messenger for Safiyah when the Prophet chose her for himself. Muhammad gave Dihyah her two cousins instead.”

Ishaq:511 “When Dihyah protested, wanting to keep Safiyah for himself, the Apostle traded for Safiyah by giving Dihyah her two cousins. The women of Khaybar were distributed among the Muslims.”


“The Prophet had their men killed, their children and woman taken as captives. Safiyah was amongst the captives, She first came in the share of Dihyah but later on she came to belong to the Prophet.“[/INDENT]

“Safiyah was born in Medinah. She belonged to the Jewish tribe of Banu 'I-Nadir. When this tribe was expelled from Medinah in the year 4 A.H, Huyaiy was one of those who settled in the fertile colony of Khaibar together with Kinana ibn al-Rabi' to whom Safiyah was married a little before the Muslims attacked Khaibar. She was then seventeen. She had formerly been the wife of Sallam ibn Mishkam, who divorced her. One mile from Khaibar. Here the Prophet married Safiyah. She was groomed and made-up for the Prophet by Umm Sulaim, the mother of Anas ibn Malik. They spent the night there. Abu Ayyub al-Ansari guarded the tent of the Prophet the whole night. When, in the early dawn, the Prophet saw Abu Ayyub strolling up and down, he asked him what he meant by this sentry-go; he replied: "I was afraid for you with this young lady. You had killed her father, her husband and many of her relatives, and till recently she was an unbeliever. I was really afraid for you on her account". The Prophet prayed for Abu Ayyub al-Ansari (Ibn Hisham, p. 766) Safiyah had requested the Prophet to wait till he had gone a stage away from Khaibar. "Why?" asked the Prophet. "I was afraid for you on account of the Jews who still happened to be near at Khaibar!"

The reason Safiyah rejected the sexual advances of the 57-year-old Muhammad should be obvious to any objective person. I believe most women prefer to mourn than jump into bed with the killer of their father, husband and many relatives on the same day of their death. But the fact that the prophet of Allah could not contain his sexual urges for one day to let this young girl grieve, says a lot of his thinking and moral character.

[INDENT]“….when it was night, he entered a tent and she entered with him. Abu Ayyub came there and passed the nigh by the tent by the tent with a sword keeping his head at the tent. When it was morning and the Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him, perceived (some body) moving, he asked: Who is there? He replied: I am Abu Ayub. He asked: Why are you here? He replied: O Apostle of Allah! There is a young lass newly wedded (to you) with whose late husband you have done what you have done. I was not sure of safety, so I wanted to be close to you. Thereupon the Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him, said twice: O Abu Ayyub! May Allah show you mercy.”
(ibn Sa’d vol.ii, p.145)

More from the Quran

[INDENT]“When a child or a woman is taken captive, they become slaves by the fact of capture, and the woman’s previous marriage is immediately annulled.” Why? So that they are free to become the concubines of their captors. The Qur’an permits Muslim men to have intercourse with their wives and their slave girls: “Forbidden to you are ... married women, except those whom you own as slaves” (Sura 4:23-24).

After one successful battle, Muhammad tells his men, “Go and take any slave girl.” He took one for himself also. After the notorious massacre of the Jewish Qurayzah tribe, he did it again. According to his earliest biographer, Ibn Ishaq, Muhammad “went out to the market of Medina (which is still its market today) and dug trenches in it. Then he sent for [the men of Banu Qurayza] and struck off their heads in those trenches as they were brought out to him in batches.” After killing “600 or 700 in all, though some put the figure as high as 800 or 900,” the Prophet of Islam took one of the widows he had just made, Rayhana bint Amr, as another concubine.

Emerging victorious in another battle, according to a generally accepted Islamic tradition, Muhammad’s men present him with an ethical question: “We took women captives, and we wanted to do ‘azl [coitus interruptus] with them.” Muhammad told them: “It is better that you should not do it, for Allah has written whom He is going to create till the Day of Resurrection.’” When Muhammad says “it is better that you should not do it,” he’s referring to coitus interruptus, not to raping their captives. He takes that for granted. [/INDENT]

Islam + Rape + Today?

From reporting by Emily Wax of the Washington Post:

[INDENT] Interviews with two dozen women at camps, schools and health centers in two provincial capitals in Darfur yielded consistent reports that the Janjaweed were carrying out waves of attacks targeting African women. The victims and others said the rapes seemed to be a systematic campaign to humiliate the women, their husbands and fathers, and to weaken tribal ethnic lines. In Sudan, as in many Arab cultures, a child's ethnicity is attached to the ethnicity of the father.

"The pattern is so clear because they are doing it in such a massive way and always saying the same thing," said an international aid worker who is involved in health care. She and other international aid officials spoke on condition of anonymity, saying they feared reprisals or delays of permits that might hamper their operations.[/INDENT]

Closing thought - Would Jesus Christ allow soldiers to rape female slaves?


The Rape Jihad
By Robert Spencer
FrontPageMagazine.com | September 24, 2004
FrontPage magazine.com :: The Rape Jihad by Robert Spencer

Safiyah, the Jewish Wife of Muhammad
Ayesha the child wife of the Prophet

Muhammad and the Female Captives
Muhammad and the Female Captives

Rape: Nothing to do with Islam?
Fjordman: Rape: Nothing to do with Islam?

Gang rapist claims right to assault
Gang rapist claims right to assault

Photo removed -Admin
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 3,563 • Replies: 53
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Reply Fri 4 May, 2007 06:52 pm
and a young woman who is raped is usually honor killed by her father.
it's very sad that a religion like this exists today.
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Reply Fri 11 May, 2007 01:34 pm
z0z0, I'd like to first mention that your sources have misconceptions written all over it and the fact that you've cut and pasted these articles from the blasphemous king Ali Sina's website clearly shows that you have no idea on the topic.

Ali Sina's lies, more links to more of hes lies inside.
Faith Freedom International's Ali Sina attempts to contest the solid evidence for the

This is from a Shi'ite forum, discussing hes lies and hypocracy.
Ali Sina versus Me - ShiaChat.com

I personally can fill the screen with links about the lies of the pig, but im sure you know how to use search engines to find them. Next time, put down verses from the Quran (The Holy Book) and the Sunnah (The teachings and actions of the Prophet). Also place the chapters and the pages, straight from the books and avoid anti-islamic "opinions" as you've posted.

Deaths, Murders, Rapes and Pillage in Christianity.:

1) Murder, rape, and pillage at Jabesh-gilead. (Judges 21:10-24 NLT)

So they sent twelve thousand warriors to Jabesh-gilead with orders to kill everyone there, including women and children. "This is what you are to do," they said. "Completely destroy all the males and every woman who is not a virgin." Among the residents of Jabesh-gilead they found four hundred young virgins who had never slept with a man, and they brought them to the camp at Shiloh in the land of Canaan.

The Israelite assembly sent a peace delegation to the little remnant of Benjamin who were living at the rock of Rimmon. Then the men of Benjamin returned to their homes, and the four hundred women of Jabesh-gilead who were spared were given to them as wives. But there were not enough women for all of them. The people felt sorry for Benjamin because the LORD had left this gap in the tribes of Israel. So the Israelite leaders asked, "How can we find wives for the few who remain, since all the women of the tribe of Benjamin are dead? There must be heirs for the survivors so that an entire tribe of Israel will not be lost forever. But we cannot give them our own daughters in marriage because we have sworn with a solemn oath that anyone who does this will fall under God's curse."

Then they thought of the annual festival of the LORD held in Shiloh, between Lebonah and Bethel, along the east side of the road that goes from Bethel to Shechem. They told the men of Benjamin who still needed wives, "Go and hide in the vineyards. When the women of Shiloh come out for their dances, rush out from the vineyards, and each of you can take one of them home to be your wife! And when their fathers and brothers come to us in protest, we will tell them, 'Please be understanding. Let them have your daughters, for we didn't find enough wives for them when we destroyed Jabesh-gilead. And you are not guilty of breaking the vow since you did not give your daughters in marriage to them.'" So the men of Benjamin did as they were told. They kidnapped the women who took part in the celebration and carried them off to the land of their own inheritance. Then they rebuilt their towns and lived in them. So the assembly of Israel departed by tribes and families, and they returned to their own homes.

2) Murder, rape and pillage of the Midianites. (Numbers 31:7-18 NLT)

3) More Murder Rape and Pillage. (Deuteronomy 20:10-14)

As you approach a town to attack it, first offer its people terms for peace. If they accept your terms and open the gates to you, then all the people inside will serve you in forced labor. But if they refuse to make peace and prepare to fight, you must attack the town. When the LORD your God hands it over to you, kill every man in the town. But you may keep for yourselves all the women, children, livestock, and other plunder. You may enjoy the spoils of your enemies that the LORD your God has given you.

4) Laws of Rape. (Deuteronomy 22:28-29 NLT)

If a man is caught in the act of raping a young woman who is not engaged, he must pay fifty pieces of silver to her father. Then he must marry the young woman because he violated her, and he will never be allowed to divorce her.

5) Death to the Rape Victim. (Deuteronomy 22:23-24 NAB)

If within the city a man comes upon a maiden who is betrothed, and has relations with her, you shall bring them both out of the gate of the city and there stone them to death: the girl because she did not cry out for help though she was in the city, and the man because he violated his neighbors wife.

6) David's Punishment - Polygamy, Rape, Baby Killing, and God's "Forgiveness". (2 Samuel 12:11-14 NAB)

Thus says the Lord: 'I will bring evil upon you out of your own house. I will take your wives [plural] while you live to see it, and will give them to your neighbor. He shall lie with your wives in broad daylight. You have done this deed in secret, but I will bring it about in the presence of all Israel, and with the sun looking down.'

Then David said to Nathan, "I have sinned against the Lord." Nathan answered David: "The Lord on his part has forgiven your sin: you shall not die. But since you have utterly spurned the Lord by this deed, the child born to you must surely die." [The child dies seven days later.]

7) Rape of Female Captives. (Deuteronomy 21:10-14 NAB)

"When you go out to war against your enemies and the LORD, your God, delivers them into your hand, so that you take captives, if you see a comely woman among the captives and become so enamored of her that you wish to have her as wife, you may take her home to your house. But before she may live there, she must shave her head and pare her nails and lay aside her captive's garb. After she has mourned her father and mother for a full month, you may have relations with her, and you shall be her husband and she shall be your wife. However, if later on you lose your liking for her, you shall give her her freedom, if she wishes it; but you shall not sell her or enslave her, since she was married to you under compulsion."

8) Rape and the Spoils of War. (Judges 5:30 NAB)

They must be dividing the spoils they took: there must be a damsel or two for each man, Spoils of dyed cloth as Sisera's spoil, an ornate shawl or two for me in the spoil.

9) Sex Slaves. (Exodus 21:7-11 NLT)

When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are. If she does not please the man who bought her, he may allow her to be bought back again. But he is not allowed to sell her to foreigners, since he is the one who broke the contract with her. And if the slave girl's owner arranges for her to marry his son, he may no longer treat her as a slave girl, but he must treat her as his daughter. If he himself marries her and then takes another wife, he may not reduce her food or clothing or fail to sleep with her as his wife. If he fails in any of these three ways, she may leave as a free woman without making any payment.

10) God Assists Rape and Plunder. (Zechariah 14:1-2 NAB)

Lo, a day shall come for the Lord when the spoils shall be divided in your midst. And I will gather all the nations against Jerusalem for battle: the city shall be taken, houses plundered, women ravished; half of the city shall go into exile, but the rest of the people shall not be removed from the city.

A few interesting verses from Christianity.

Death to Followers of Other Religions.

Whoever sacrifices to any god, except the Lord alone, shall be doomed. (Exodus 22:19 NAB)

Kill Nonbelievers.

They entered into a covenant to seek the Lord, the God of their fathers, with all their heart and soul; and everyone who would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, was to be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman. (2 Chronicles 15:12-13 NAB)

Kill the Entire Town if One Person Worships Another God.

Suppose you hear in one of the towns the LORD your God is giving you that some worthless rabble among you have led their fellow citizens astray by encouraging them to worship foreign gods. In such cases, you must examine the facts carefully. If you find it is true and can prove that such a detestable act has occurred among you, you must attack that town and completely destroy all its inhabitants, as well as all the livestock. Then you must pile all the plunder in the middle of the street and burn it. Put the entire town to the torch as a burnt offering to the LORD your God. That town must remain a ruin forever; it may never be rebuilt. Keep none of the plunder that has been set apart for destruction. Then the LORD will turn from his fierce anger and be merciful to you. He will have compassion on you and make you a great nation, just as he solemnly promised your ancestors. "The LORD your God will be merciful only if you obey him and keep all the commands I am giving you today, doing what is pleasing to him." (Deuteronomy 13:13-19 NLT)

Kill Followers of Other Religions.

1) If your own full brother, or your son or daughter, or your beloved wife, or you intimate friend, entices you secretly to serve other gods, whom you and your fathers have not known, gods of any other nations, near at hand or far away, from one end of the earth to the other: do not yield to him or listen to him, nor look with pity upon him, to spare or shield him, but kill him. Your hand shall be the first raised to slay him; the rest of the people shall join in with you. You shall stone him to death, because he sought to lead you astray from the Lord, your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, that place of slavery. And all Israel, hearing of this, shall fear and never do such evil as this in your midst. (Deuteronomy 13:7-12 NAB)

2) Suppose a man or woman among you, in one of your towns that the LORD your God is giving you, has done evil in the sight of the LORD your God and has violated the covenant by serving other gods or by worshiping the sun, the moon, or any of the forces of heaven, which I have strictly forbidden. When you hear about it, investigate the matter thoroughly. If it is true that this detestable thing has been done in Israel, then that man or woman must be taken to the gates of the town and stoned to death. (Deuteronomy 17:2-5 NLT)

Theres more to come if you like.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 11 May, 2007 01:45 pm
I'm confused. Doesn't Islam also regard the Old Tesitment as Canon?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 11 May, 2007 05:51 pm
Notice how Muslims can always quote, in all its loftiness, their Koran, online, or in private, but can't use it to restrain their child-killing, mass-murdering, wholly sadistic and demon-possessed brethren from commtting some of the most despicable acts known to Modern Man.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 11 May, 2007 06:29 pm
The reason for that Pinochet73 is that people like you have no basis in any argument. A few terrorist who were made in by the US who also happen to be muslim commit crimes and the world starts generalising. You really cant accuse a religion of being murderous and violent when its the fastest growing religion in the world. Look back at the history of wars and even wars going on today, the Christians and Jews are always the aggressors and the Muslims are the oppressed, regardless. Theres nothing more "sadistic" and "demonic" than intolerance and also every bully gets dropped sooner or later, so its not a matter of if, but when.
Reply Sat 12 May, 2007 05:31 am
And how, we are accostumed to overturning the people in power if they refuse to accept the will of the majority. Perhaps you could take a page from our book? If we all have the same objective, there is no reason why we cannot achieve it together.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 12 May, 2007 08:03 am
"You really cant accuse a religion of being murderous and violent when its the fastest growing religion in the world."

If that's true, it's only because Civilization is collapsing. Islam is the religion of barbarians. Wherever it grows, it destroys Civilization. Wherever Civilization folds, Islam fills the void, pushing humanity backward, always, with all its might.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 12 May, 2007 08:41 am
Azmr;15731 wrote:
The reason for that Pinochet73 is that people like you have no basis in any argument. A few terrorist who were made in by the US who also happen to be muslim commit crimes and the world starts generalising. You really cant accuse a religion of being murderous and violent when its the fastest growing religion in the world. Look back at the history of wars and even wars going on today, the Christians and Jews are always the aggressors and the Muslims are the oppressed, regardless. Theres nothing more "sadistic" and "demonic" than intolerance and also every bully gets dropped sooner or later, so its not a matter of if, but when.
A few terrorist who were made in by the US who also happen to be muslim commit crimes and the world starts generalising.
Really, where are our terrorist training camps?
You really cant accuse a religion of being murderous and violent when its the fastest growing religion in the world.
What a crock. What if the reason it is the fastest growing is because it is "murderous and violent? "
When's the last time you have seen a Christians strap a bomb to himself and detonate it in a crowded market?
Look back at the history of wars and even wars going on today, the Christians and Jews are always the aggressors and the Muslims are the oppressed, regardless.

If you just read arab history i can see why you would feel oppressed, from there point of view it's like being French, your always getting your ass kicked. Opression is a state of mind. If you feel oppressed and we are doing it on purpose, then our ploy must be working? You give us a lot of credit for being a bunch of infidels heah? I guess were better then we think?
Theres nothing more "sadistic" and "demonic" than intolerance and also every bully gets dropped sooner or later, so its not a matter of if, but when
I can think of quite a few more "sadistic" and "demonic" ? What is your opinion of what terrorists do? Is that more or less demonic then intolerance? Do you approve of this kind of intolerance? The bullys that are getting dropped are the terrorists of the world praying on civilians. Step on up to the plate, were waiting?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 12 May, 2007 05:21 pm

Who created "Al Qeada"? - An excuse to wage war for resources and their power hungry cult.

Who created "Hamas"? - Down the track went against its makers.

Who created "Ossama Bin Laden"? - Probably being harbored by the CIA.

Who employed "Ossama Bin Laden"? - He is CIA tactition.

Who employed "Ahmed Karzai" and what is/was hes role? - A collaborater/agent for the CIA.

Who put "Saddam Hussain" in power? - US.

Who sold chemical weapons to the "Iraqi regime"? - The US after Ronald Reagans election.

Who is supporting the Kurdish "terrorist" who have no right to rebel against its leader? - Israel/US to keep the country unstable and to piss everyone off.


Even Saddam Hussain denounced "Al Qeada", and was encouraged by the US to spark a war to destablize the two potent enemies of Israel in the region. The people of Iraq have said im sure on countless occasions that life with Saddam in power was more peaceful and justice was served during hes regime, You might be thinking "Oh, thats a lie" why is there uncountable numbers of the people attacking, bombing and sniping the **** out of the US troops, Must be one big organisation with unlimited supply of freedom fighters but that is just ignorant thinking. Why do you think there are curfews from 9pm - 6am, because they are frightened to death when on patrol by the people and why do they shoot anything that moves? fear of the people.

Its been widely known now for some time that the British, US, the Israeli Mossad and "Al Qeada" has been planting car bombs in populated areas to keep the country destablized and to revive the long civil war. There was even an article by an independant journalist a few years ago where it states three British special forces were busted by the Iraqi police planting a bomb dressed as Iraqis at a mosque, there plans were stomped on and they were arrested to be later on forcibly bailed out of prison by the British or US military.

In Iran, the US put a shah in power to serve them and their own interests not for the people but for the concern of its allies, the jews. Which later was over thrown by the people, not some radical group. The state went from neutral while the Shah was in power to the enemy to the world after he was over thrown.

Q-Really, where are our terrorist training camps?
A-The American funded terror camps (Al Qeada) is worldwide. - What a silly question.

Fastest growing religion because as soon as rational thinkers see the arrogant mind of a sheep like yours, they refuse to want to be apart of it. They see the Jewish religion is inhumane and written by self centred historians, they see that the bible is littered with non-sence and also written by historians, both of which have been altered numerous times always contradicting the previous, they just cant get it right and that when they stumble across Islam, the pure word of God. Why am i explaining this, the growth rate speaks for itself.

About suicide, it is forbidden by the law of Allah to actually be the one to execute the suicide, it is permissable to go out on a expedition knowing its suicide (eg. Getting close enough towards a whole squad, to ambush, assault them knowing that death is expected.) but actually pressing the button to end yourself or have someone end your life for you is not tolerated. The suicides you see for example the palestinians is personal motive, having your family member or a whole family, relative or whatever get slaughtered from this world is painful enough, being that he is a civilian is nerve racking. Dont be negative towards these people with heart, dignity, they are soluted for their bravery. If your thinking why do the proclaim "God is the greatest" before bombing etc, that is said for everything, from seeing the birth of your son, to hearing a miraculous story like surviving a car accident, in fear to even being thankful that you woke up from a deep sleep alive and well.

Indeed the Muslims/Arabs are getting their asses kicked, actually thats an understatement. When the Muslims were united many many centuries ago they ripped apart your crusaders and put they to shame. Some great merciful leaders/generals are Salahideen aka Saladin, Khaled Ibn Walid, Khaled Ibn Walid the 2nd and even the prophet Muhammed (PBUH).

Have you ever heard the basic quotes:

"The more rapidly a civilization progresses, the sooner it dies for another to rise in its place."


"Civilization begins with order, grows with liberty, and dies with chaos.", The dominant west and its rigorous supporters will fall inargubly, Every empire has fallen.

They seem relevant, dont they?
Reply Sat 12 May, 2007 08:34 pm
Remember 911. Remember Armenia. Fight.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 13 May, 2007 03:03 am
Theres many logical reasons behind 911, as ive mentioned earlier, Ossama Bin Laden is for the US interest, theres been reports that "Muhammed Atta" was in Israeli prison, brainwashed, given a luxurious life and then unleashed. There are many myth busting documentories about 911, Witnesses that worked in the towers said that private contractors were inside the towers constantly before the acts, working and drilling loudly, a fire fighter and workers mentioned that the towers had numerous explosions and collapsed the way of in which a building rigged with demo explosions. The oldest and well known is the fact that there were no jews residing in that building at the time, also, they were caught celebrating the criminal act. You saw how a explosive went off on the adjacent building before the towers were hit, and the windows of the towers were being blown out wards from top to bottom like dominos. I personally dont want to get in 911 because it makes me sick and there are hundreds if not thousands of signs that are obvious to any person with a minimum intelligent spec, but i guess you might fall below that.

Reply Sun 13 May, 2007 08:50 am
Azmr;15773 wrote:

Who created "Al Qeada"? - An excuse to wage war for resources and their power hungry cult.

Who created "Hamas"? - Down the track went against its makers.

Who created "Ossama Bin Laden"? - Probably being harbored by the CIA.

Who employed "Ossama Bin Laden"? - He is CIA tactition.

Who employed "Ahmed Karzai" and what is/was hes role? - A collaborater/agent for the CIA.

Who put "Saddam Hussain" in power? - US.

Who sold chemical weapons to the "Iraqi regime"? - The US after Ronald Reagans election.

Who is supporting the Kurdish "terrorist" who have no right to rebel against its leader? - Israel/US to keep the country unstable and to piss everyone off.


Even Saddam Hussain denounced "Al Qeada", and was encouraged by the US to spark a war to destablize the two potent enemies of Israel in the region. The people of Iraq have said im sure on countless occasions that life with Saddam in power was more peaceful and justice was served during hes regime, You might be thinking "Oh, thats a lie" why is there uncountable numbers of the people attacking, bombing and sniping the **** out of the US troops, Must be one big organisation with unlimited supply of freedom fighters but that is just ignorant thinking. Why do you think there are curfews from 9pm - 6am, because they are frightened to death when on patrol by the people and why do they shoot anything that moves? fear of the people.

Its been widely known now for some time that the British, US, the Israeli Mossad and "Al Qeada" has been planting car bombs in populated areas to keep the country destablized and to revive the long civil war. There was even an article by an independant journalist a few years ago where it states three British special forces were busted by the Iraqi police planting a bomb dressed as Iraqis at a mosque, there plans were stomped on and they were arrested to be later on forcibly bailed out of prison by the British or US military.

In Iran, the US put a shah in power to serve them and their own interests not for the people but for the concern of its allies, the jews. Which later was over thrown by the people, not some radical group. The state went from neutral while the Shah was in power to the enemy to the world after he was over thrown.

Q-Really, where are our terrorist training camps?
A-The American funded terror camps (Al Qeada) is worldwide. - What a silly question.

Fastest growing religion because as soon as rational thinkers see the arrogant mind of a sheep like yours, they refuse to want to be apart of it. They see the Jewish religion is inhumane and written by self centred historians, they see that the bible is littered with non-sence and also written by historians, both of which have been altered numerous times always contradicting the previous, they just cant get it right and that when they stumble across Islam, the pure word of God. Why am i explaining this, the growth rate speaks for itself.

About suicide, it is forbidden by the law of Allah to actually be the one to execute the suicide, it is permissable to go out on a expedition knowing its suicide (eg. Getting close enough towards a whole squad, to ambush, assault them knowing that death is expected.) but actually pressing the button to end yourself or have someone end your life for you is not tolerated. The suicides you see for example the palestinians is personal motive, having your family member or a whole family, relative or whatever get slaughtered from this world is painful enough, being that he is a civilian is nerve racking. Dont be negative towards these people with heart, dignity, they are soluted for their bravery. If your thinking why do the proclaim "God is the greatest" before bombing etc, that is said for everything, from seeing the birth of your son, to hearing a miraculous story like surviving a car accident, in fear to even being thankful that you woke up from a deep sleep alive and well.

Indeed the Muslims/Arabs are getting their asses kicked, actually thats an understatement. When the Muslims were united many many centuries ago they ripped apart your crusaders and put they to shame. Some great merciful leaders/generals are Salahideen aka Saladin, Khaled Ibn Walid, Khaled Ibn Walid the 2nd and even the prophet Muhammed (PBUH).

Have you ever heard the basic quotes:

"The more rapidly a civilization progresses, the sooner it dies for another to rise in its place."


"Civilization begins with order, grows with liberty, and dies with chaos.", The dominant west and its rigorous supporters will fall inargubly, Every empire has fallen.

They seem relevant, dont they?
Who created "Al Qeada"? - An excuse to wage war for resources and their power hungry cult.
Extreme muslims.
Who created "Hamas"? - Down the track went against its makers.
Extreme Muslims.
Who created "Ossama Bin Laden"? - Probably being harbored by the CIA.
Extreme Muslims.
Who employed "Ossama Bin Laden"? - He is CIA tactition.
Extreme Muslims.
Who created "Ossama Bin Laden"? - Probably being harbored by the CIA.
Extreme Muslims
Who is supporting the Kurdish "terrorist" who have no right to rebel against its leader?
No right huh? Like you have no right, right?
The people of Iraq have said im sure on countless occasions that life with Saddam in power was more peaceful and justice was served during hes regime
Which Iraqi's are you talking too? So what was the reason he was hung? Was it because he was peacful and served justice?
Why do you think there are curfews from 9pm - 6am, because they are frightened to death when on patrol by the people and why do they shoot anything that moves? fear of the people.
Yup, if your out after curfew, chances are you will be shot. Would you mind going to get me a can of milk, but i won't need it till after 9pm?
Its been widely known now for some time that the British, US, the Israeli Mossad and "Al Qeada" has been planting car bombs in populated areas to keep the country destablized and to revive the long civil war.
If it's that widely known i suppose you can provide proof?
Q-Really, where are our terrorist training camps?
A-The American funded terror camps (Al Qeada) is worldwide. - What a silly question.
What i was asking for was proof, not another comment?
Fastest growing religion because as soon as rational thinkers see the arrogant mind of a sheep like yours, they refuse to want to be apart of it. They see the Jewish religion is inhumane and written by self centred historians, they see that the bible is littered with non-sence and also written by historians, both of which have been altered numerous times always contradicting the previous, they just cant get it right and that when they stumble across Islam, the pure word of God. Why am i explaining this, the growth rate speaks for itself.
So do you believe like the rest of them that Allah wrote your book? Or was it Gabriel, no wait i think it was Muhammid and a scribe?
About suicide, it is forbidden by the law of Allah to actually be the one to execute the suicide, it is permissable to go out on a expedition knowing its suicide (eg. Getting close enough towards a whole squad, to ambush, assault them knowing that death is expected.) but actually pressing the button to end yourself or have someone end your life for you is not tolerated. The suicides you see for example the palestinians is personal motive, having your family member or a whole family, relative or whatever get slaughtered from this world is painful enough, being that he is a civilian is nerve racking. Dont be negative towards these people with heart, dignity, they are soluted for their bravery. If your thinking why do the proclaim "God is the greatest" before bombing etc, that is said for everything, from seeing the birth of your son, to hearing a miraculous story like surviving a car accident, in fear to even being thankful that you woke up from a deep sleep alive and well.
So explain why civilians blow up civilians?
Indeed the Muslims/Arabs are getting their asses kicked, actually thats an understatement. When the Muslims were united many many centuries ago they ripped apart your crusaders and put they to shame. Some great merciful leaders/generals are Salahideen aka Saladin, Khaled Ibn Walid, Khaled Ibn Walid the 2nd and even the prophet Muhammed (PBUH).

We handed you your ass then, well hand it to you now.
Have you ever heard the basic quotes:

"The more rapidly a civilization progresses, the sooner it dies for another to rise in its place."


"Civilization begins with order, grows with liberty, and dies with chaos.", The dominant west and its rigorous supporters will fall inargubly, Every empire has fallen.

They seem relevant, dont they?
The fall of the US is inevitable, what's funny is you think it will be by your hand? It will not, you may be a catalist, but it will be by our hand, not yours.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 13 May, 2007 09:00 am
Azmr;15783 wrote:
Theres many logical reasons behind 911, as ive mentioned earlier, Ossama Bin Laden is for the US interest, theres been reports that "Muhammed Atta" was in Israeli prison, brainwashed, given a luxurious life and then unleashed. There are many myth busting documentories about 911, Witnesses that worked in the towers said that private contractors were inside the towers constantly before the acts, working and drilling loudly, a fire fighter and workers mentioned that the towers had numerous explosions and collapsed the way of in which a building rigged with demo explosions. The oldest and well known is the fact that there were no jews residing in that building at the time, also, they were caught celebrating the criminal act. You saw how a explosive went off on the adjacent building before the towers were hit, and the windows of the towers were being blown out wards from top to bottom like dominos. I personally dont want to get in 911 because it makes me sick and there are hundreds if not thousands of signs that are obvious to any person with a minimum intelligent spec, but i guess you might fall below that.

Theres many logical reasons behind 911, as ive mentioned earlier
I'm only concerned with what you can prove? Theory is not sufficient.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 13 May, 2007 11:32 am
Its still a human decision...The world was a violent zenophobic, mysoginist place in ancient times..comparing the barbarism of one people in those days go another is a little silly don't you think.......
The secret to peace is to teach the people to ignore the power hungry greedy xenophobic bullies of the modern world and find some way to keep the out of power
0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 May, 2007 11:20 am
Drnaline, i dont know why you like twirling in circles here. You know this is all facts but you keep coming back with counter replies claiming that theres no proof, this is why the majority of the world dislikes Americans, patriotics in particular. I swear, Sheep in the dictionary should be redefined as a gullable follower. Use your imagination and jump on any search engines and connect words like "CIA", "Al Queda", "Mossad" and "M15" in the same sentence. I dare ya. Very Happy
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Reply Wed 16 May, 2007 01:30 pm
'All facts?' I guess it's also a fact that the mafia killed JFK because you can find some sites that say so?
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Reply Wed 16 May, 2007 04:05 pm
^ Hhahaha, funny man.
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Reply Wed 16 May, 2007 06:06 pm
Mohammad invented a religion specifically tailored to his fellow barbarians. Even today, Arabs wipe their butts with the fingers of their left hand. Go, Mohammad!!!!!!!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 May, 2007 11:21 pm
^ Go to sleep Pinochet73.
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