not Hollywood, calm down
Jews have been trying to disprove Christ for 2,000 years, it's not "curious" that this would extend into film making. It's not even an attack on Christianity, in fact their very respectful of the faith and make several claims to that in the documentary. They basically say
"We are not attempting to destroy the faith of Christianity, we simply want to learn more about this tomb and what it *could* be"
Hollywood doesn't direct my concept of culture, and I would hardly call the Discovery Channel Hollywood.
I didn't know Christianity was falling apart, in fact I've seen several religious leaders who think that it's actually growing... not that I agree, that's just what I've seen.
IF, I was to speculate as to why Christianity was unraveling I would think that it is because the word of God should be timeless, but as the world changes ever more rapidly we seem to find more and more issues that the Bible just "hasn't kept up on". We've progressed more as a planet in the last 300 years then we had in the 5000 years before that.
I would say that to the average person Christianity just doesn't work for them anymore because it conflicts with their lives, for others (like myself) it is the reintroduction of knowledge that survived the early Universal Church's suppression of knowledge that has caused me to ask more questions then the Bible can answer.
again I will ask you, have you even watched this "appalling" documentary?