Okay so you are writing from a Muslim perspective,unfortunatly not the Torah or Bible when you say-
Quote:Rooted in the monotheistic tradition of the patriarch Abraham, Christians and Muslims share a common heritage with Jews.
THE Bible, written 2000 years before Mu began his piracy, proves that Abram was married to Sari and they were unable to have children, in order to have a son, he had a relationship with Sari's maid Hadith. The son of Hadith, was called Isham. When God called upon Abram he told him he would be known as Abraham, and his wife will be known as Sarah. They then had a child and his name was Isaac.
Hadith and Isham set off after Isaac's baptism because Sarah felt her distain and was worried about jealousy and the safety of her son. Abraham fretted about it so God came to him and told him that Isham will also inherit a nation, he did and it was Saudi Arabia.
So the roots divided when God chose Abrahm to start a nation that honoured God;s name.
Hadith and Isham were not part of this nation but went to start another nation.
The roots of the Islamic Faith are the Quran and the Quran was written 150-200 years after the death of MuhammaD. Mu had his first 'vision' about 200 years after Christ died.
So in fact, the writting of the Quran was commissioned by the rullers of the middle-east, and these were warlords who had siezed what they wanted, and then realized the people needed something to believe in. The nomad tribes had fables, passed from generation to generation, and spoke of Muhammad and Allah. These tribes had a religion that was based in paganism, in that it was worshipping rocks. They did not follow the bible.
again, here you are talking from a muslim perspective, without looking at the reality of the Bible you are unable to make accurate statements-
Quote:Both acknowledge one God, an omnipotent creator of the universe, the immortality of the soul, the existence of a future state of rewards and punishments. Both affirm similar moral and ethical standards for life in community.
No they do not acknowledge the same God. Allah is translated as the Moon God and it fits with the heritage of Muhammad's ancesters and the belief of the nomadic tribe.
They do not acknowledge the existance of 'a future state of rewards' since Islamists are promised little boys, and virgins.
They do not affirm similar moral and ethical standards for life in community since the quran states that women are to be beaten, that women are half of a man, that children are available for sexual activities, that stealing is okay, that rape is acceptable, and that jews are pigs, in addition murder, and torture are completely acceptable for all jews and infidels. Finally the Quran instructs Muslims to be deceitful and to not be friends with non-Muslims unless of course they can profit from the situation.
Here you again have failed to crack open a bible to find out the factual information that happened thousands of years before Mu went a-cavin'
Quote:Many of the prophets named in the Quran are also major figures in the Bible. These include Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, John the Baptist, and Jesus.
And the accounts of these Christian figures are mistaken and confused, and the stories are warped and even comical they are entirely mixed up, and prove over and over that Mu had no idea of what he was talking about.
And from a Muslim perspective l realize that you believe that Christains haven't bothered to read the verse after verse of hatred, so you are wrong, some christians are well aware of the insults to our religion made by an angry Mu...
Quote:Most Christians are surprised to discover the importance Muslims attach to Jesus. Mentioned by name in 93 different verses, Jesus is venerated as one of the greatest prophets. He is unique by virtue of the miraculous virgin birth as well as his distinctive names. Jesus is called a "‘word" from God, the "‘messiah," and "‘a spirit from God." In the final analysis, however, Muslims are clear: Jesus, like all the prophets, was human.
The Muslim account of Jesus is warped and insulting.
Quote:The error of Jesus’ followers, according to the Quran,...
Okay, and you can't compare the two, the time lines do not allow for any logical discussion.
The Islamic teachings will never work in the world while it issues Fatwa's and through actions and current teachings uphold Quranic verses that directly call for the death of all those who are non-Muslim.
It was Muhammad himself that admitted a large protion of his ramblings were in fact "the SATANIC VERSES", in this he was partially right, for in fact the entire Quran, a collection of what is remembered in addition to the Satanic Verses is collectively and truly 'SATANIC VERSES TOTALITY" ...since we see this in action we can look at the source, and hope and pray that a miracle will happen from God and the Islamists will understand that they have been decieved.
And when l say God, this is not to be confused with the Moon God, the rock,known as allah.