@High Seas,
That website will be very helpful, thank-you for bringing it to my attention.
I am also not a fan of translations. I tried reading a translation of Dante but it wasn't quite working for me; apparently it's much better in the original Italian.
What you bring up I too have had experience of. I understand a bit of Afrikaans, so it's interesting to see how people translate from English to Afrikaans or vice versa, how the translator takes some liberties by not giving the exact translation but rather paraphrasing; and it irritates me when they do that. The words a person uses could be chosen for some specific reason, or have a different effect when paraphrased etc.
Another thing with translations is the loss of prosody. I can imagine when English is translated into another language all sense of metre, rhythm etc. is lost, but this is a very important part of literature. Yet another reason why I want to study texts in their original language.
But of course translations are helpful for when you're learning, and if you get stuck when reading on your own.