@sometime sun,
I'm not usually very directly aware of God at all. Even then, like Razzleg, I quite often pray, out of desperation - I'm not implying that Razzleg is often desperate, only that I am! - but then it feels wrong, and very stupid and silly.
When I am aware of God (a relatively new experience for me), I mostly seem to argue, quibble, or try to make bargains with Him. It is a very friendly relationship, but I am aware that He (I'll partially justify the masculine pronoun in a minute) is a dangerous guy to play with.
I am always, of course, aware that whatever I (mis)take to be God is certain to be something like an idol, a projection of myself (onto something which, or rather Someone who, is vastly more than myself), an illusion. That is one very good reason why my prayer (when it is not simply thanks) always seems to take the form of an argument or foolhardy bargain where I don't even know what I am taking on or letting myself in for.
A God you don't feel like arguing with is almost certainly not God. And if you do argue, but God loses, then either it wasn't God after all, or else you've just fooled yourself into missing some important communication, but you'll probably never know which of these two things it was.
This is very different (I wish I could say "of course") from saying that God is a "delusion", in Dawkins's sense. Rather, God is that reality against which any foolish human projection I (mis)take for God must be tested to see if, on the one hand, it is only an illusion, some kind of silly mistake or wish-fulfilment or egoistic indulgence, or whether, on the other hand, it is the best approximation my poor silly little ape-like brain could come up in forming a cartoon-like image of God, and I'd better take it as real. I mean real
as a silly human approximation, of course. Nothing more than that, but still an approximation or caricature
of something, or rather Someone.
I don't know how to explain any of this, or make it seem sane or sensible (I'm only gradually getting used to this theism nonsense myself), but you asked, and your question seemed genuine, so I answered.
I also liked Razzleg's answer.