farmerman wrote:
Just follow this graph and keep in mind that karat weight is a determining value in the "scrap" gold market. Dont leave any stones or other grille metals like Pt or Rhodium (These two are worth waay more than gold).
Usually, you will get about 50% of value based upon 24 kt gold. So 14 K is gonna net you 58% X50% of its 99 score value. Id give a carerful considertion to the buyers. I wouldnt take anything less than the 58X50 formula and (maybe) you could get more but I kinda doubt it.
I'm sure it won't surprise you when I tell you that I don't understand this table. 50 percent of what? I'm completely lost.
Feeling more than a little intimidated and unsure. I had no idea I was going to have to figure things out.
I found this chart at one buyer:
KARAT 1oz TO 3oz 3oz TO 25oz 25oz TO 50oz
10 K $465.37 $496.40 $506.74
14 K $652.86 $696.38 $710.89
18 K $837.00 $892.80 $911.40
22 K $1,022.26 $1,090.41 $1,113.12
24 K $1,104.84 $1,178.50 $1,203.05
DENTAL $743.26 $792.81 $809.32
I'm bewildered.
Found this chart at another place:
ITEM 0oz-5oz 5oz-50oz over 50oz
10KT $23.09 $24.56 $25.05
14KT $32.45 $34.52 $35.21
18KT $41.62 $44.28 $45.17
22KT $50.87 $54.12 $55.20
24KT $55.44 $58.98 $60.16
DENTAL $36.92 $39.28 $40.07
I gotta go alone to do this? I'll have to wait until my eyeballs stop spinning around in my head. I'm usually not stoopid. I don't understand why I'm having so much trouble with this. Numbers do me in every time.