Hi William,
What on earth are you talking about? What game? Why would I want to play a game with you when I am not even competitive. (I do like a round of golf though, but I'm happy to play alone). Anyone can strip a conversation apart piece by piece and stress it to their point of view. But why would they go to the time and effort to do so unless it were they that were threatened? I am no threat to you, and nor am I threatened - I have no great wisdom or academic achievement I feel the need to protect. This is a discussion forum, not the Nicaean council or the UN.
I only related hypocrisy to you because I feel you are attempting to dismiss my opinion with the very same material of that which you dismiss - You say "I can't know of a creature's intent, unless I am one" - Then add that "You know a creature doesn't want to be eaten" - And fail to comply with your own arguement that "You can't know of a creature's intent, unless you are one". Is this not a hypocritical proposition?
Exscuse me for noticing it and pointing it out, but it is there, nonetheless.
I call my best friends hypocrite, if and when, they make a statement or commit an action in said fashion - This doesn't mean I am threatened by their remark or action. It just means that they have commited said act.
I ask the thread question because I am interested in peoples views on this issue. Why else would I ask said question? I don't believe in the Loch Ness Monster either, but I am interested in peoples experiences and opinions relating to.
I hope you don't mind me asking questions that clearly don't appeal to you, but even if you do, I don't think I should live in the shadow of your acceptance, do you?
And you haven't offended me. I value both your input and experienced opinion, I never intended to offend you either.
What are these games you keep referring to???
I Don't play games, I am not competitive.
You obviously are trying to teach me a lesson in understanding that I do not require. That is indeed arrogant, patronising, in the least...But, it doesn't offend me William, I have, beneath me, no pedestal from which to fall from, and cannot absorb condescending remarks because I neither look up to or down at people. All are equal to me William, not better, not worse (different though. as must be).
When I say "I don't care" I mean "I don't care" - "Can't be bothered", "couldn't give a damn", you get the gist. Why would you say that I do care, when I don't? What is important to you isn't duly important to me. You shouldn't try to typify the whole with your particular approach to psychoanalysis. 'Don't label "one" as such, unless you are "one"'. That's your philosophy isn't it?
As To your last remark, about the human soul/spirit/essence being seperate from animal souls -
You return "ABSOLUTELY!!!!" ------- Is that because humans are not animals William? I do believe you are wrong here, but don't care to stress it to the universe at hand. Why? Because I'm not You sir.
I hope you enjoyed your "Game", You must have been playing while I was at work, which isn't very sportsmanlike, is it?
Well Done, You win, You're the best. Whatever William...
Thank you William, and have a splendid day sir.