And the new word in this revived game is:
Tackorian - Someone who answers trivia and word games with sexual innuendo, tacky answers, doesn't follow the rules and generally causes problems. ( Now who can that be?)
Tackorian-a female person who rides around in a poorly designed motorised contraption at the rear of which are easily accessed passenger and luggage compartments and equipped with a device which makes a short,annoying pipping sound when activated.
Derives from O.E.Tachy meaning sticky and difficult to scrape off and Orianology(Ger.)-the study of perishable goods at car boot sales.
Tackorian: someone who will not go directly at a problem, but rather, tacks from point of the wind to the other, temporizing and avoiding a confrontation.
Tackorian - One who presents themself as being stylish, but is oblivious to the fact that they are actually a fashion faus pax.
Tackorion was ancient astrologer and lover of dogs. He decided to learn more about the force from Yoda in order to grind his enemy, the Scorpion, into the dust.
BTW, many thanks Clary. I like having choices...
So has tackorian taking to tacking around the heavens in poorly styled togas, trying to avoid all confrontation with reality?
Democratic, libertarian and respectful, is what I aim for this game to be... so good work on TACKORIAN, some excellent definitions - would anyone else like to post an invented word?
A monk or nun of the Order of St Phillip Verbosus, patron saint of word games. Remarkable for their dubious habits.
I try not to get into the habits of nuns.
(You knew i couldn't and wouldn't resist.)
Ordophillipian designates any system of surreptitiously arranging a mixture of alcoholic concoctions for the specific purpose of transforming a lachrymose,lacklustre lady into a wild,joyful bundle of fun at the lowest possible price.
"She awoke amidst dishevelled bedclothes realising instantly that she had been expertly ordophillipicated by the saxophononist"
It's Not Fair! by Barbara Cartland.
Wasn't that mandatory phillipics?
I don't know F.
They asked for a crazy definition so I gave them one.You ordophillipian you!
Fraxilliamilosis - Catalan light amyloid degeneration...