@mark noble,
mark noble;172985 wrote:Hi All,
Richard Dawkins is an out-and-out Atheist of the highest degree, on a mission to annihilate any and all concepts of God (Any God). I smile when he confronts religious figures (from all walks), attempts to convince them of the rational and then quivers in shock, spitting blood almost, when they inevitably and conclusively, not only, disagree, but attempt to convince him that he is irrational. Brilliant!
You are a little bit of a sensationalist?
I find it interesting how you put it without considering it from his point of view. Why is it that his talks generate death threats against him? I mean if theists were all loving and god fearing people why do they always insist on death threats to silence their opposition?
Not to mention that he is constantly quote mind and has to spend a large portion of his time correcting statements made against him from things that he said which were taken out of context or bent in ways in which he did not say them.
When you sit in a room and try to have a rational discussion with a bunch of irrational people, eventually things are going to get heated. That an apologetic will keep rehashing the same argument over and over even after they have been clearly proven wrong.
The final thing that annoys him and many of the people within the scientific community is that religion an religious people are trying to undermine science all together. They want to infuse the science class rooms with dogma and things that are not scientific. They want to retard the education system to spread their theocracy. When they oppose these actions they get branded as being inconsiderate to religious views when clearly it is the other way around.
I don't even like dawkins but I am here defending him because you are clearly a lopsided sensationalist.