Reconstructo;167873 wrote:Yes, this is the sort of thing I was pointing out. All life is a "miracle." Except miracle has associates with that which is out of the ordinary. Life is only ordinary when we are hypnotized by abstractions that suggest otherwise. It's a strange and beautiful thing...and also wretched agony too. When a leg is shot off. When cancer crowds the brain. Birth defects. Prodigies. Terror and wonder. Birth and death. All around us. The world is so fecund, so merciless. We are aware, alive, and so often we are somehow....bored. :Glasses:
Exactly. Life is
NO ordinary thing, in fact I think it is quite the opposite, and as you mentioned, it
seems ordinary when we are (and I think the key word here is hypnotized) to believe so by our lust or even need to have fun and to always have a sense of enjoyment, and I think much of this lust and need for fun is presented by materialism and the worldly pleasures of the physicality that is our environment, these are
distractions, they give us a false sense of happiness when we have the latest iphone or cool trend. And sure enough the word is
hypnotized, the brain is very good at adjusting and can get used to many things,
believe me, it can even fool you in to thinking that it is a normal thing for matter to be aware!!
This is an unbelievable phenomenon that is beyond explicable and comprehensible that people much too often take for granted. I often hear people complain about their lives being bad and not worthwhile or appreciable, and I think to myself how can you think like that? would you rather you had been some lifeless metal? or the atoms that make up the pavement on a road? I mean sure some people have it very tough which makes it difficult to be thankful, but I think If I where to die tomorrow of cancer, or an unfair accident or a shooting or of starvation, I would die UTTERLY thankful for the opportunity I've had, I mean after all as far as we know (or can prove) we life on Earth are the
ONLY amounts of matter in the
ENTIRE universe that is capable of experience.
I cannot conceive of how people can think of experience as ordinary and normal, in fact I find it very difficult to conceive of experience
AT ALL!! it is
MATTER! how can matter experience? how can matter be aware? when you actually contemplate this it is rather spooky, one night when I was younger I was walking alone at night along a stretch of road with no street lights and just forest on either side, the only thing I could visually perceive was the the faint white lines on the edges of the road (only just) these white lines seemed like black only just noticeable from even darker black, if I shut my eyes and walked along I could not tell the difference. As I walked along I saw this faint outline floating in the air beside the road, it was an owl sitting on a tree, if it was not for his large glossy eyes I would not have seen it, as I walked by it its eyes were fixed on me and its head slowly rotated in accordance with my movement, so there I was walking along as this, thing, this concentration of molecules and atoms being totally aware of me, watching me, thinking about me,
ATOMS!!, all I could think was,
[SIZE="3"]WOW[/SIZE]! this is totally unbelievable, unexplainable, and SPOOKY! I could not really make sense of what had happened, how could this concentration of mass be aware of me? with all my knowledge of molecules, particles and physics I could not account for this, lets see the scientists explain this one!
Lets make hypothetical scenario. For some reason you are all alone in the middle of space floating in the midst of nothing and surrounded by nothing but all the lifeless matter in the entire cosmos where you are the only matter that is conscious and aware and you have been for an eternity so even the concept of other matter in the universe as been aware has never crossed your mind. So there you are in complete isolation where you have been for as long as you know anything has been, surrounded by lifeless systems of high entropy, low order and low design, when all of a sudden this this small amount of mass, approaches you, an ant, with miniature limbs and organs and perceptional tools and a computational system, all the things that it requires to be, it perfectly and magically has, it is observing, watching its environment, it is thinking, it is aware! it is conscious of its environment and conscious of you! this tiny condensation of atoms is having an
EXPERIENCE!! you would no doubtingly think of this as a pure miracle, something incomprehensibly and inexplicably amazing, you would no doubtably value this tiny precious thing as the most meaningful thing in the entire cosmos. Its amazing how your brain can adapt to make you think of such a thing as pests no?
---------- Post added 05-24-2010 at 04:27 PM ----------
kennethamy;167667 wrote:i guess all I can say is, "Wow!" and I am not sure I can even say that! (Although I did!).
Ken, you seem surprised to hear such things, I thought this was a philosophy forum.