Re: not listed search engines
lavinya wrote:hello . SEO 2.0.0 added my site. but not listed search engines my forum. ?
mod added date: 11 aug .
1) The mod makes the site more accessible for spiders, it does not make them wish to index your site, just makes it easier.
Think of it like this, it's like opening your door, but that doesn't mean the hot neighbor lady will come in, nor does it mean she'll go to bed with you.
This mod only does
on-page optimization. You will likely need
off-page optimization (i.e. backlinks) to get indexed.
2) You have
got to be kidding about the date. You give it 2 days and start complaining here?
Some sites (like Able2Know) are spidered hundreds of times a day. This is based on a metric of site value (backlinks etc) and the frequency of content updates.
I have some sites that are spidered every 2-4 months because they have less frequent content updates.
And even if they do spider the site they may not decide to add it to their results index. And even if they do, it will usually take more than 2 days for the fastest, most fresh indexes like Google and over a month for most search engines.
Even after they add it to their index it takes a while for it to propagate to all the datacenters.
So in other words this is an absurd impatience you've got here. ;-)
But even disregarding that, please don't complain about search engines not indexing you. This mod just makes it
easy, they decide whether they
In 99% of the cases the answer to the question "why doesn't Google index me after I use this mod" is "because you need a) more backlinks and b) to wait for them to get around to it".