How did Jane possible know that was the Great Wall of China?
Damn! She's good.
Is that building on the Iberian Peninsula?
Not France littlek
gustav, Peninsula not Penisnsula (Freud'sche slip eh?)
Does that mean Gus was correct (if misspelled).
I thought I had corrected my typo before Jane would catch it. Apparently not. She has an eye for that sort of thing.
I give you a hint. This city is famous for a celebration
that repeats itself every year, and every year more and
more people flock to this city to be part of this celebration.
This castle is in the same city.
There are a thousand annual celebrations!
Germany (oktoberfest)?
Yes, I have an eye for that sort of thing
Yes Germany and Octoberfest is correct.
Now where is it held?
Not in Poland gustav.
Does sindlingen make any sense?