A cool website and completely free and for-real:
"To make a Deep Impact on Comet Tempel 1, enter your name [here: http://deepimpact.jpl.nasa.gov/sendyourname/index.html ]. It will be included with other names on a disc attached to the impactor spacecraft, which will collide with Tempel 1. You can make your own personalized certificate after you click the "Send My Name" button with your name entry."
It's a comet-study mission that includes a main flyby spacecraft and a smaller impactor that will steer itself into the comet to help see exactly what a comet is made of, and to learn about the mechanical properties of the nucleus. And your name can be included on the impact body!
Adding your name is free, and open to all. NASA will stop taking names in January of next year, as the spacecraft goes into final assembly. Late next year, the comet mission will launch, with the actual impact slated for July of 2005. And you can be there, at least in name. Cool indeed!
(Thanks to www.langalist.com !)